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Names -> Band Name Spoonerisms -> B

A spoonerism occurs when the first letters or syllables of two or more words get swapped. The term spoonerism is named in honor of the Reverend William Archibald Spooner whose students used to write down all the instances of spoonerisms that he made. This page focuses on spoonerisms made with band names.

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Entries Beginning with B

The T-50 Booze originally The B-52s
Margo Gram
Abe's Bin Toyland originally Babes In Toyland
Lisa Rose
Abe's Tin Boy Land originally Babes In Toyland
Heidi Sharpe
Tabes In Boyland originally Babes In Toyland
Tabes In Loy Band originally Babes In Toyland
Maybe Betel originally Babymetal
Betel=leaf chewed in orient; addictive & unhealthy
Lisa Basil
Maybe Battle originally Babymetal
Cotton Lorraine
Maybe Bette'll originally Babymetal
Maybe Bette will do what?
Lisa Basil
J. B. Braids A Pan originally Babyraids Japan
A pan isn't an easy thing to braid!
D. Melody Dole, MD
Lacks Bash originally Backslash
Dogniss Everdeen
Slack Bash originally Backslash
Hank E. Panky
Tracks Beat Boys originally Backstreet Boys
Reese Witherspoonerism
Backbeat's Troys originally Backstreet Boys
Sir Ron Norris
Brad Baines originally Bad Brains
Now it sounds like someone's actual name!
Julia Cox
Cad Bump a Knee originally Bad Company
Herculina Alencar
Lad Buck originally Bad Luck
Mad Banners originally Bad Manners
Olga Ruiz
Rad Beligion originally Bad Religion
Sad Buns originally Bad Suns
Sonya Raynos
Sad Buns originally Bad Suns
Sonya Raynos
Lad Bands originally Badlands
Reese Witherspoonerism
Bradley Dawn Boy originally Badly Drawn Boy
Trevor Overt
Palance Of Bower originally Balance Of Power
If Jack Palance lived in a bower
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
A Can Palled Bane originally A Band Called Pain
A Canned Balled Pain originally A Band Called Pain
Regina Olsen
A Pan Balled Cane originally A Band Called Pain
And 'Bove Horses originally Band Of Horses
'Bove = short for "Above"
Emily Lime
Sand Of Boozin's originally Band Of Susans
Corinne Auterlehr
The Panned Berry originally The Band Perry
Emily Lime
The Gambles originally The Bangles
The Gang Bulls originally The Bangles
The Car Bays originally The Bar-Kays
Linda Radnil
Barbara Chair Filed originally Barbara Fairchild
D. Melody Dole, MD
Mandra Barbell originally Barbara Mandrell
Patricia McClure
Straw Bra Bison originally Barbra Streisand
Okay, now I know I have too much time on my hands.
Dare Naked Baileys originally Barenaked Ladies
Lori Tirol
Nair Bake Lead Eighties originally Barenaked Ladies
Arn Bowel originally Barn Owl
Blarey Boo originally Barry Blue
Multiplication Table Tennis Elbow Macaroni Penguin
Gary Bib originally Barry Gibb
I was bored, OK?
Gary Borden originally Barry Gordon
Alicia Sturdivant
Larry Mann, A Beau originally Barry Manilow
Blake DeKalb
Mary Anne Le Beau originally Barry Manilow
That No-one Candy Nye
Mary Annie Blow originally Barry Manilow
Kurtis' sister?
Larry Bani Moe originally Barry Manilow
Two out of three Stooges ain't bad
Mary Aniblow originally Barry Manilow
Merry Ban originally Barry Mann
Melanie Bianca Green
Where He Bite originally Barry White
Lindsay Lowhound
Wary Bite originally Barry White
Better be a LUUUUUV bite!
Herculina Alencar
Mace Bent Jaxx originally Basement Jaxx
Consta Pate
Base Gent Max originally Basement Jaxx
Emily Lime
Mace Gent Backs originally Basement Jaxx
Julia Cox
Passioned Bop originally Bash & Pop
Emily Lime
Passioned Bop originally Bash & Pop
Emily Lime
Bat Floor Ashes originally Bat For Lashes
Francine Harper
Flat Or Bashes originally Bat For Lashes
Candace Troy Powers
Fat Lore Bashes originally Bat For Lashes
Eva Shortoria
Bat Or Flashes originally Bat For Lashes
Candace Troy Powers
Fat Boar Lashes originally Bat For Lashes
Eva Shortoria
The Ray Bitty Solars originally The Bay City Rollers
Say "Bitty Rollers" originally Bay City Rollers
Regina Haniger
The Ray City Bowlers originally The Bay City Rollers
Penelope Beckinsale
Kiki Bing originally BB King
We*Bitched originally Be*Witched
It was in "New Band Names".
The Beach Toys originally The Beach Boys
I actually did this once... xD
The Botch Bees originally The Beach Boys
Hair Bin, Evan originally Bear In Heaven
Roy R. Pryor
Air Bin Heaven originally Bear In Heaven
Roy R. Pryor
Hair Bin, Evan originally Bear In Heaven
Roy R. Pryor
The Boasty Bees originally The Beastie Boys
Bossy Beets originally Beasty Boys
Rhoda Dohr
The Beat Alls originally Beatles
I'm surprised they didn't go after CNS for that.
The Teebles originally The Beatles
Similar to 'tribbles'?
Keb originally Beck
Elon Muskrat
Jacky Bee originally Becky G
Elon Muskrat
Wedroom Balls originally Bedroom Walls
Rhonda Hindle
Red Womb Balls originally Bedroom Walls
Nicole Velocin
Red Boom Walls originally Bedroom Walls
Nicole Velocin
The Jeebees originally The Bee Gees
Gee! Bees originally Bee Gees
uku shuku
Meanie Ban originally Beenie Man
Melanie Bianca Green
Nell Boats originally Bell Notes
Gretchen Wieners
Brellamy Bothers originally Bellamy Brothers
How Annoying!
Joe Haynes
Belle, Sand A Bastion originally Belle And Sebastian
Linda Radnil
Becky Pole originally Belle Epoque
Rhoda Dohr
The Stelle Bars originally The Belle Stars
Kenny Bing originally Ben E. King
Penn Harbour originally Ben Harper
Heck Noover Nuck
Len Bee originally Ben Lee
Blake DeKalb
Len B. originally Ben Lee
Ruby Spinel
Hilly Benn originally Benny Hill
Henny Bill originally Benny Hill
Tertha Billman originally Bertha Tillman
Cotton Lorraine
Hurty Big-uns originally Bertie Higgins
Opie M.
Hurty Big-uns originally Bertie Higgins
Opie M.
Death Bit, Oh originally Beth Ditto
Trevor Overt
Eth Bart originally Beth Hart
Cotton Lorraine
Mitt Bedler originally Bette Midler
Booty Bet originally Betty Boo
You can bet your booty on that.
Hetty Button originally Betty Hutton
Both An anagram and a spoonerism!
Crystal Paisley
Between The Married And Bee originally Between The Buried And Me
About as obscure in meaning as original
Justin B. Burr
Never Be Light originally Beverley Knight
Lisa Basil
Never Lee Bite originally Beverley Knight
Lisa Basil
Lever Knee Bite originally Beverley Knight
Lisa Basil
Severly Bills originally Beverly Sills
See Yon Bay originally Beyonce
Eva Shortoria
Dee Bond Yawn originally Beyond Dawn
Regina Haniger
Bee Donned Yawn originally Beyond Dawn
Angie O'Plasty
Ye Bond Dawn originally Beyond Dawn
H. Tim Smith
Rick Bunga originally Bic Runga
Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit
Riff Bows originally Biff Rose
Bows as in hairbow
Sweet Anne
Riff Bose originally Biff Rose
Blake DeKalb
Rig & Bitch originally Big & Rich
Linda Radnil
Big Ann Dowling originally Big Al Downing
Dogniss Everdeen
Gig Walls and the Bait Bright Idiot originally Big Balls and the Great White Idiot
A German punk rock band formed in 1975
Lefty Lucy
Gig Bit Brain originally Big Big Train
michelle (hell in mice)
Bit Big Grain originally Big Big Train
michelle (hell in mice)
Big Trig Bane originally Big Big Train
Claire Annette Player
Wig Baddy Deave originally Big Daddy Weave
Rhonda Hindle
Jig Toe Burner originally Big Joe Turner
Adlai Alda
Stig Bar originally Big Star
Trig Bubble originally Big Trouble
What would be bubble's connection to trigonometry?
Eva Shortoria
Rig Beck originally Big Wreck
Etta James Taylor Swift
Dill Bouquet originally Bill Coday
Tiffany Lewewllyn-Affit
Boll In Cot originally Bill Conti
Cheryl Jordan
Clot In Lib originally Bill Conti
Cheryl Jordan
Lib In Colt originally Bill Conti
Cheryl Jordan
Lib Haley & His Comets originally Bill Haley & His Comets
Hill Bailey & His Comets originally Bill Haley & His Comets
Kill Haley & His Bomb-Its originally Bill Haley & His Comets
Ill Haley Banned His Comets originally Bill Haley And His Comets
Ring Around The Rosie O'Donnell Abu Dhabi
Kill Bowlitz originally Bill Kaulitz
Kill Bowlitz originally Bill Kaulitz
Kill Benny originally Bill Kenny
Serafina Bannock
Mill Bedley originally Bill Medley
From the Brighteous Rothers.
Quill Baitman originally Bill Quateman
Libby Holiday originally Billie Holiday
Holly Bill A Day originally Billie Holiday
Sam Bucus the elder
Libby Myers originally Billie Myers
Millie Byers originally Billie Myers
one hit
Libbbie originally Billlie
Sylvia Curruca
Libby "Crad" Crashdock originally Billy "Crash" Craddock
Consuela missed this one.
Braggy Bill originally Billy Bragg
He's so full of himself.
Electric Boogeyman
Brawly Bigg originally Billy Bragg
Miller Light
Libby Garb originally Billy Bragg
Gilly Corbin originally Billy Corgan
Lisa Basil
Libby Falcon originally Billy Falcon
Libby Gilman originally Billy Gilman
A sex-changing spoonerism!
Consuela Sanchez
Illy Bidol originally Billy Idol
Libby Idol originally Billy Idol
A sex-changing spoonerism!
Consuela Sanchez
Jilly Bo Storm Wrong originally Billy Joe Armstrong
Reese Witherspoonerism
Really Joe Boil originally Billy Joe Royal
Marlene L. Ram
Libby Joe Alroy originally Billy Joe Royal
Jilly Rowe Boyle originally Billy Joe Royal
Marlene L. Ram
Jilly Bowl originally Billy Joel
Ingrid McCannless
Joely Bill originally Billy Joel
A sex change with a spoonerism.
Libby Joel originally Billy Joel
A sex-changing spoonerism!
Consuela Sanchez
Lily Beach originally Billy Leach
Gretchen Wieners
Milly Beret originally Billy Murray
Gender-change by spoonerism!
Lori Blonde
Libby Ocean originally Billy Ocean
A sex-changing spoonerism!
Consuela Sanchez
Libby Preston originally Billy Preston
A sex-changing spoonerism!
Consuela Sanchez
Libby Ray Cyrus originally Billy Ray Cyrus
A sex-changing spoonerism!
Consuela Sanchez
Lily Battle Site originally Billy Satellite
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Silly Battle Light originally Billy Satellite
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Libby Swan originally Billy Swan
A sex-changing spoonerism!
Consuela Sanchez
Libby Vera originally Billy Vera
Consuela Sanchez
Bring Cosby originally Bing Crosby
Ingrid McCannless
King Brosby originally Bing Crosby
Rosie Finch
The Dearth Bay originally The Birthday
Dearth = a scarcity of something
Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit
Back Blocks originally Black Box
Mary Byram
The Clack Bros originally The Black Crowes
Lefty Lucy
The Clack Bros originally The Black Crowes
Lefty Lucy
Crack Blows originally Black Crowes
Mae Beam
Plack Eyed Bees originally Black Eyed Peas
Bees flying around with placks on their heads.
Lack Blab originally Black Lab
Iris Verna
Lack Bass originally Black Lace
Song about an all treble performance
Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit
Lack Blips originally Black Lips
Ruby Spinel
Black Oak Car and Saw originally Black Oak Arkansas
Pack Blink originally Black Pink
Lefty Lucy
Rack Blows Garden originally Black Rose Garden
Reese Witherspoonerism
Sack Blabbath originally Black Sabbath
Shack Bleep originally Black Sheep
Groove-billed Ani Di Franco
Slack Borrows originally Black Sorrows
Job Lowe
Stack Blown Cherry originally Black Stone Cherry
Hilary Nevis
Lack Pied Bees originally Black-Eyed Peas
Plaque-Eyed Bees originally Black-Eyed Peas
I don't know what a "plack" is.
Mack Nore's Blight originally Blackmore's Night
Marge Pegram
Knack More's Blight originally Blackmore's Night
Marge Pegram
Clit's Bid originally Blitzkid
Sheila Koffel
Blonde Head Red originally Blonde Redhead
Trevor Overt
Red Blondehead originally Blonde Redhead
Rhonda Hindle
Dawn Blee originally Blondie
Don Blee originally Blondie
Blood Shed Rues originally Blood Red Shoes
Nicole Velocin
Blood Wet and Steers originally Blood, Sweat and Tears
Blood, Wet And Sears originally Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Blood, Sweat, Tanned Ears originally Blood, Sweat, And Tears
Jessica Bielzebub
Stud Blown originally Bloodstone
Tracy Frummond
The Mow Bunk Lees originally The Blow Monkeys
Ingrid McCannless
Clue Bantrell originally Blu Cantrell
Lefty Lucy
Moo Blink originally Blue Mink
Emily Lime
Do Blow Rio originally Blue Rodeo
Heck Noover Nuck
Do Robe Leo originally Blue Rodeo
Evil Olive
Do Loby Row originally Blue Rodeo
Evil Olive
Boo Rolly Dough originally Blue Rodeo
Evil Olive
Rue Loby Dough originally Blue Rodeo
Evil Olive
The Snooze Flothers originally The Blues Brothers
The hungry thing returns.
Mickey D.
The Brews Blotters originally The Blues Brothers
The Moose Blagoos originally The Blues Magoos
Doe Biddley originally Bo Diddley
Doe Biddley originally Bo Diddley
Ho Donaldson And The Bay Woods originally Bo Donaldson And The Heywoods
Dogniss Everdeen
Cob Brew Generation originally Bob Crewe Generation
Dogniss Everdeen
Dill Bobbin' originally Bob Dylan
Lisa Basil
Lob Bidden originally Bob Dylan
Natalie Portmanteau Word
Lib Bond originally Bob Lind
Another sex change by way of spoonerism
Allison O'Silla
Lob Bind originally Bob Lind
Mob Barley originally Bob Marley
Jammin' an' diggin' dat' archaeology!
Mickey D.
Mob Bold originally Bob Mould
Sob Beeger originally Bob Seger
Hobby Bump-Free originally Bobbi Humphrey
Regina Haniger
Hobby Bump-Free originally Bobbi Humphrey
Regina Haniger
Stobby Baff originally Bobbi Staff
Wanda Pierce
Jobbie Bentry originally Bobbie Gentry
Terror Reid
Jennie Bob Tree originally Bobbie Gentry
Andrea Greenleaf
Blobby Blue Band originally Bobby 'Blue' Bland
Natalie Starboardman
Barry Bob originally Bobby Bare
Cheryl Jordan
Blobby Band originally Bobby Bland
Even has the word "Band" in the spoonerism!
Candace Troy Powers
Blobby Boom originally Bobby Bloom
Donna Fargo North Dakota Fanning The Flames
Wobby Called Bell originally Bobby Caldwell
Sir Ron Norris
Cobby Walled Bell originally Bobby Caldwell
Sir Ron Norris
Cobby Bald Well originally Bobby Caldwell
Sir Ron Norris
Dobby Barin originally Bobby Darin
Brings together "Harry Potter" with "Flash Gordon"
Body Bay originally Bobby Day
Ingrid McCannless
Bob Free Bee Man originally Bobby Freeman
Evil Olive
Mob Free Bee Ban originally Bobby Freeman
Evil Olive
Mobby Free Ban originally Bobby Freeman
U. Carrie Oats
Mobby Bee Fran originally Bobby Freeman
U. Carrie Oats
Hobby Bat Field originally Bobby Hatfield
Just in time for Halloween.
Hatty Bob Field originally Bobby Hatfield
He wears a lot of hats.
Robbie By Dell originally Bobby Rydell
Loree Dare
Dough Beans originally BoDeans
Sir Ron Norris
Roddy Box originally Bodyrox
Stallion High Wine
Mob originally Bomb
Ironic that these words are related.
Jon Bovi originally Bon Jovi
Wouldn't make that much difference!
Moany Ebb originally Boney M
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Knobby Boyer originally Bonnie Boyer
Lori Tirol
Knobby Guitar originally Bonnie Guitar
Adlai Alda
Lonnie Boo originally Bonnie Lou
Adlai Alda
Knobby Lou originally Bonnie Lou
Adlai Alda
Bonnie Cook Me originally Bonnie McKee
Sally Kedoula
Knobby McKee originally Bonnie McKee
Adlai Alda
Connie McBee originally Bonnie McKee
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Connie Book Me originally Bonnie McKee
Buffalo Bill Codependent
Knobby Pointer originally Bonnie Pointer
Adlai Alda
Bonnie Prince Libby originally Bonnie Prince Billy
Bobby Prince Nilly originally Bonnie Prince Billy
Adlai Alda
Knobby Prince Billy originally Bonnie Prince Billy
Adlai Alda
Ronnie Bait originally Bonnie Raitt
Knobby Raitt originally Bonnie Raitt
Adlai Alda
Non-Rebate originally Bonnie Raitt
Ingrid McCannless
Knobby Tyler originally Bonnie Tyler
Adlai Alda
Tiny Bowler originally Bonnie Tyler
Bonnie Lighter originally Bonnie Tyler
Adlai Alda
Lonnie Biter originally Bonnie Tyler
Adlai Alda
Knobby Well Music Machine originally Bonniwell Music Machine
Evil Olive
Tomb Bound Rats originally Boomtown Rats
Tomb Roun' Bats originally Boomtown Rats
Daphne Hughes
Roomtown Bats originally Boomtown Rats
I still don't like Mondays.
Boot Camp Kick originally Boot Camp Clik
Marlene L. Ram
Coot Clamp Bic originally Boot Camp Clik
Connie Brady
Porn From Bane originally Born From Pain
Cotton Lorraine
County Biller originally Bounty Killer
Olga Ruiz
Foaling Boar Soup originally Bowling For Soup
Neat trick -- both wrong species and wrong gender!
Carmen Mistletoe
Ox 'Bove Frogs originally Box Of Frogs
'Bove = short for "Above"
Hilary Dufflebag
Frocks Of Bogs originally Box Of Frogs
Cape Canaveral Lavigne
Soy Bets Fire originally Boy Sets Fire
Blake DeKalb
Ska's Bags originally Boz Scaggs
Lance Crackers
Scog's Bags originally Boz Scaggs
Lance Crackers
Pad Braisely originally Brad Paisley
Eileen Wright
Crave Bomb, Bo originally Brave Combo
Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)
Disturbed originally Brawl
Glenn rousseau
The Brocker Breathers originally The Brecker Brothers
Lend a Brie originally Brenda Lee
Julian Jacobson
Linda Bree originally Brenda Lee
She's 'coming on strong'! -:)
Rend A Brussell originally Brenda Russell
A Brussell's sprout maybe?
Margo Gram
Byron Hyland originally Brian Hyland
Marge Pegram
Lyin' High Brand originally Brian Hyland
Regina Haniger
Byron May originally Brian May
Marge Pegram
Mayan Bray originally Brian May
Toni Minot
Byron McFadden originally Brian McFadden
Marge Pegram
Wine Brillson originally Brian Wilson
Byron Wilson originally Brian Wilson
Marge Pegram
Blick & Race originally Brick & Lace
Flora Rolf
Rake & Bliss originally Brick & Lace
Lefty Lucy
Lick & Brace originally Brick & Lace
Flora Rolf
Lake & Briss originally Brick & Lace
Lefty Lucy
Cribs originally Bricks
Lynne O'Leahy-Cassid
Midget Brendler originally Bridgit Mendler
Regina Haniger
Reef Band Trunks originally Brief & Trunks
Tess O. Gosset
Reef Banned Trunks originally Brief And Trunks
Roy R. Pryor
Treef and Bunks originally Brief and Trunks
Wanda Pierce
Treef and Bunks originally Brief and Trunks
Wanda Pierce
Right Buys originally Bright Eyes
Regina Haniger
British Pea Sour originally British Sea Power
Tracy Stockton
Spritney Beers originally Britney Spears
She'd have better taste.
Bit Spree Nears originally Britney Spears
Mary Byram
Spitney Brears originally Britney Spears
She is a spitter? Oh and plus that's not a actual
Knit Bee Frocks originally Britny Fox
Gretchen Wieners
Bit Free Knocks originally Britny Fox
Rhoda Dohr
Bit Knee Frocks originally Britny Fox
Rhoda Dohr
Knit Free Box originally Britny Fox
Rhoda Dohr
Motherhood Of Bran originally Brotherhood Of Man
Mother always said, 'Eat your Raisin Bran.'
The Motherhood Of Bran originally The Brotherhood Of Man
Penelope Beckinsale
Spring Brucesteen originally Bruce Springsteen
That's a weird name for a rock singer!
Spruce Bringsteen originally Bruce Springsteen
The New Bretts originally The Brunettes
Lefty Lucy
Rune Mow Bars originally Bruno Mars
How does a rune mow or anything mow bars?
Amber Wayland
Moon Row Bars originally Bruno Mars
Regina Haniger
Byron Adams originally Bryan Adams
Marge Pegram
Fryin' Berry originally Bryan Ferry
Gretchen Wieners
Byron Ferry originally Bryan Ferry
Marge Pegram
Wine Bright originally Bryan White
Leopard Seal
Byron White originally Bryan White
Marge Pegram
Uck Bowens originally Buck Owens
Cluck Owens and Roy Bark originally Buck Owens and Roy Clark
(Those "pickin' and grinnin' hosts of "hee-haw")
Meredith Corpening
Fix Buzz originally Buck's Fizz
Didn't know buzz was broken!
Dawn Anwad
Knuckle Bind originally Buck-O-Nine
Chuck Berry originally Buckcherry
Melvin Sneedly
Check Bury originally Buckcherry
I bet they didn't think of that one, either.
Hucketbed originally Buckethead
Cotton Lorraine
Fox Biz originally Bucks Fizz
Keira Farnell
Fox Biz originally Bucks Fizz
Keira Farnell
Cubs Fizz originally Bucks Fizz
Rhonda Hindle
Ebbie Budsen originally Buddy Ebsen
Buried alongside Ryrene Ion.
Guddy Buy originally Buddy Guy
Hoddy Bully originally Buddy Holly
White & Nerdy
Huddy Bolly originally Buddy Holly
Cruddy Bolly & The Hickets originally Buddy Holly & The Crickets
hickets: another wording for the hiccups
Cruddy Hobby And The Bigots originally Buddy Holly And The Crickets
Jon Goldney
Dunny Box originally Buddy Knox
Regina Haniger
Nutty Box originally Buddy Knox
Elon Muskrat
Bunny Docks originally Buddy Knox
Regina Haniger
The Gubbles originally The Buggles
Cotton Lorraine
Dull Bug originally Bull Dog
Mary Byram
Mullet For Bi Valentine originally Bullet For My Valentine
As in bisexual.
Rocky Rhodes
Mullet For Vi Ballentine originally Bullet For My Valentine
Bullet For My Talon Vine originally Bullet For My Valentine
Hardrock Harry
Hunker Bill originally Bunker Hill
Reese Witherspoonerism
Spurning Beer originally Burning Spear
Wonder if they would actually do that?
Gretchen Wieners
Burt Rack A Back originally Burt Bacharach
Daryl Hannah Montana
Curtain Bummings originally Burton Cummings
American Idle
Walch Booker originally Butch Walker
Heck Noover Nuck
Walk Butcher originally Butch Walker
Heck Noover Nuck
Flutter By Boucher originally Butterfly Boucher
D. Melody Dole, MD
The Burt Soul Huffers originally The Butthole Surfers
Adlai Alda
The Hut Bowl Surfers originally The Butthole Surfers
Adlai Alda
The Hurt Soul Buffers originally The Butthole Surfers
A name conveying real ANGST!
Lydia Idyl
The Cuz Box originally The Buzzcocks

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