Making fun of music, one song at a time. Since the year 2000.
Check out the two amIright misheard lyrics books including one book devoted to misheard lyrics of the 1980s.
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Here is a list of all the major sections of amIright with a count of how many submssions have been approved for each section, and the last time it was updated.

Band Names
Using just the letters of a band name, create a sentence using those letters to describe them. It's like an anagram, only there's no limit to how many times you can use a letter.
There are 656 entries.
This is a list of replacement names for existing band names.
There are 1,667 entries.
This is a list of names of the nicknames music performers, are known by. Not actors or other famous people.
There are 953 entries.
Spoonerisms formed in band names. A spoonerism occurs when the first letters or syllables of two or more words get swapped.
There are 2,928 entries.
If you took two songs, by two different performers, and combined the titles, what new and interesting song title could you make for a duet with those two performers?
There are 15,226 entries.
You think your parents gave you a strange name? Try being born to a rock star. It seems like strange names are just part of what you have to put up with. The most memorable of course would have to be Moon Unit for the daughter of the late great Frank Zappa.
There are 1,775 entries.
Which band is real, which is fake?
There are 851 entries.
Do you know why a band picked out it's name?
There are 4,771 entries.
Some bands have strange pronunciations of their names, that aren't immediately obvious from their spelling.
There are 434 entries.
Take a band name, and make an anagram out of it.
There are 34,858 entries.
All the words that make up a band name that start with the same letter is known as aliteration.
There are 2,473 entries.
Whenever I hear a cool phrase somewhere, I like to exclaim 'That would make a cool band name'. This page is a list of such names people have sent in.
There are 11,171 entries.
This is a list of names of famous people, who have changed their real name. I'm only looking for music performers, not actors or other famous people. Below are the most recent entries.
There are 4,249 entries.
These are the band names that we feel are just plain stupid. Bands pick the most absurd names, who wants to be known as a member of the 'Butthole Surfers'?
There are 2,367 entries.
If two existing groups combined members, what could they call their new resulting group.
There are 8,130 entries.
Ever see a band name, and think it would be perfect for endorsing something other than their music?
There are 828 entries.
Jokes about music groups.
There are 1,371 entries.
There are 2,280 entries.
Quotes from music groups.
There are 1,227 entries.
Misheard Lyrics
Stories about misheard lyrics.
There are 20,185 entries.
Misheard song lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
There are 192,070 entries.
Music Trivia
Sometimes a lead singer gets kicked out of a band, or leaves when their head gets too big for them. How well did they do on their own?
There are 259 entries.
Aside from backwards messages (which is a seperate page), bands have found other interesting ways to hide things in their music or in their album covers.
There are 147 entries.
Ever since there has been music on recorded mediums (vinyl, casettes, CDs) groups with a sense of humour have placed funny snippets or entrie songs on their albums without a mention in the credits.
There are 188 entries.
Some bands don't wait around for Weird Al to parody one of their songs, and take a pre-emptive strike and write a silly song of their own.
There are 196 entries.
Long before the PMRC, music has been underfire for one reason or another. After the PMRC however, warning labels became far more prelevant with the black and white 'Explicit Lyrics' tag. We're looking to list all the albums with warnings EXCEPT for the explicit lyrics label (too many to list).
There are 66 entries.
As long as there's been music, there have been musicians who get into trouble with the law.
There are 147 entries.
Once the fame has gone, what do performers do when they leave the music industry?
There are 84 entries.
Songs that have resulted in lawsuits, either for lyrics or for borrowing too much of the music.
There are 77 entries.
Songs that were specifically banned by a radio station, tv station, or government.
There are 504 entries.
Before the fame arrived, what did performers do to make ends meet?
There are 145 entries.
Album covers that share a common theme.
There are 777 entries.
These performers still make great music even if they are missing one of the senses or a body part.
There are 222 entries.
What are various bands best known for outside of their musical abilities?
There are 1,057 entries.
There have been some very short songs that have made the radio. For the purposes of this page, please stick to songs with lyrics and also aren't interludes. Preferablly songs released as a single.
There are 779 entries.
All too often, a celebrity gets it into their head that now they've reach some margin of fame via a movie or sports, they can also sing! This usually turns out much worse than when singers try to act.
There are 239 entries.
Interested in contacting a parody author? Check our directory for contact info for authors who have provided contact info.
There are 6,516 entries.
All too often, a performer gets it into their head that now they've reach some margin of fame in a band, they can also act! Some make the leap ok like Will Smith, others like Vanilla Ice are best left forgotten.
There are 425 entries.
Blame Hey Jude, but there have been some very long songs that have made the radio. For the purposes of this page, please stick to songs with lyrics (no 25 minute instrumentals, like Pink Floyd's 'Echoes').
There are 1,121 entries.
Actual album covers that parody other album covers.
There are 17,338 entries.
These are INTENTIONAL messages that groups have recorded and placed in their songs. This differs from backwards masking in which bands supposedly sing a song in a special way so that when played backwards a hidden message appears.
There are 144 entries.
Listen to mp3s, real audio, windows media player and other formats (each song lists the format available at the end of the description). amIright does not host these files and can not guarantee they are still being hosted, or contain appropriate material.
There are 1,018 entries.
Interested in contacting a parody author? Check our directory for contact info for authors who have provided contact info.
There are 57 entries.
These are partial song lyrics for songs that we think are better or funnier than the original songs. Entries are broken down by the performer's name.
There are 2,544 entries.
These are song lyrics for songs that we think are better or funnier than the original songs. Entries are broken down by the performer's name.
There are 101,352 entries.
Parodies of album cover artwork by visitors of amIright.
There are 2,243 entries.
Real Lyrics
These are lyrics that we think are kind of inappropriate.
There are 655 entries.
These are lyrics that we think are kind of inappropriate.
There are 1,026 entries.
Songs that mention their title in the opening line of the song
There are 4,230 entries.
Certain ring tones might be inappropriate if the phone rings at the wrong time.
There are 340 entries.
These are lyrics with a specific date or year in the lyrics, that are mentioned as the present or future. NOT songs like Bowling for Soup's '1985' which are written after the date they are talking about.
There are 532 entries.
Songs which have words that are spelt out, instead of just pronounced. Abbreviations like the YMCA don't count, because that's how you say the YMCA.
There are 282 entries.
This page is a list of all the songs that mention brand name products in them. Nothing more annyoing than getting a commercial pitch in the middle of a song.
There are 1,223 entries.
Songs with onomatopeia words, which are words that describes what the word sounds like.
There are 94 entries.
Songs that name someone famous or well known.
There are 1,926 entries.
Song lyrics aren't supposed to be a fountain of perfect english, but on the other hand some are just so atrocious, they need to get called out. We're not looking for sentance fragments or the word ain't since there are too many instances to count.
There are 541 entries.
Songs that mention television shows or movie names in their lyrics.
There are 368 entries.
These are lyrics that we think are kind of repetitive.
There are 2,198 entries.
These are lyrics that we think are misrhymed.
There are 942 entries.
In order to make a rhyme work, sometimes a singer will mis-pronunce a word intentionatly.
There are 143 entries.
Unbeat songs with very depressing lyrics.
There are 418 entries.
These are lyrics that we think are kind of insincere.
There are 552 entries.
These are lyrics that we think are kind of nonsensical.
There are 2,397 entries.
Some songs mention other songs in them, this is a list of those songs.
There are 1,175 entries.
This section is for lyrics that scared or shocked you the first time you heard them.
There are 243 entries.
Pop songs that are written in english, but use foreign words or phrases within them.
There are 292 entries.
Real life locations that are mentioned in songs, band names or album titles.
There are 1,138 entries.
Songs which feature words made up strictly for the purposes of the song.
There are 1,932 entries.
These are lyrics that we think are kind of insulting.
There are 307 entries.
Spoonerisms formed in song lyrics. A spoonerism occurs when the first letters or syllables of two or more words get swapped.
There are 388 entries.
A lot of rap music features the singer openly boasting. I'm looking for examples of boasts that are unrealistic.
There are 146 entries.
Alliteration is the repetition of a sound in the beggining of two or more words. We're looking for examples in music lyrics.
There are 192 entries.
Songs which feature words made up strictly for the purposes of the song.
There are 364 entries.
Song Names
Bad choices for music to be used for 'hold' music on the phone for a particular business or orginization.
There are 8,882 entries.
Take a song name, and make an anagram out of it.
There are 39,650 entries.
Commercials seem to exploit the most obvious songs for commercials. What are some they missed?
There are 5,083 entries.
Some songs have titles that aren't used in the lyrics, and end up becoming better known for their lyrics than their title.
There are 1,145 entries.
Remove one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
There are 13,205 entries.
Change one letter out of a song title to alter it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
There are 48,541 entries.
An acrostic is when the first letters of a name are used to form a proper word. This is not quite the same as an acronym, since an acronym doen't have to be a valid word.
There are 3,095 entries.
Add one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
There are 20,871 entries.
Mark it up to failed ambition, but frequently you'll see an album labeled Greatest Hits Part 1, only no number 2 is released. Not strictly limited to greatest hits albums, there are regular albums and songs also in the same vein.
There are 160 entries.
Song titles that describes something not literally possible.
There are 5,077 entries.
List of bands that perform a song with the same name as the band.
There are 261 entries.
Add spaces or remove spaces from a song title to totally change it's meaning.
There are 4,577 entries.
This is a page to mock current pop songs, by coming up with better names for existing songs.
There are 11,188 entries.
If you have one song that asks a question or makes a statement, come up with a different song that answers/responds to that question
There are 23,113 entries.
Some movies use the fame a well known song title as their name.
There are 476 entries.
Spoonerisms formed in song titles. A spoonerism occurs when the first letters or syllables of two or more words get swapped.
There are 5,727 entries.

Total Entries: 663,210 in 89 sections.