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Names -> Stupid Band Names -> Q

These are the band names that we feel are just plain stupid. Bands pick the most absurd names, who wants to be known as a member of the "Butthole Surfers"? We only accept entries for this page that make fun of a band name. Just saying a band is lame (no matter how lame they might be) isn't a good reason for entry.

Other Pages: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Misc.

Entries Beginning with Q

Submitted by:
Q You know, the disco group that did "Dancin' Man"... it's a stupid name due to the fact that it's only one letter long, just like M (of "Pop Muzik" fame) and X (a new-wave band)... so when you go to search for them (especially on certain sites, including this one), you'll get all the bands that have the letter Q in their name. Not very good! Harlow Goobley
Q-Feel Yeah, so this group sang that song "Dancing in Heaven" in the Girls Just Wanna Have Fun movie. How is Q supposed to feel?  pauhead
Qkumba Zoo I don't know; it looks too difficult to pronounce. Dr. Allan Allard
Quarashi Sounds like a Japanese name, but this group was from Iceland. (So if they were from Japan, the name wouldn't be stupid.) Dick
Quarterflash So what's that supposed to mean? One-fourth of a flash (whatever that is)? Or something involving a 25-cent US coin? I am confused. Chuma Pantzov
Quarterflash If there is any reunion by this tinny '80s "rock" band, they should change the name to 'Quarterflash In The Pan'. overit
Queen A queen is 1 person and it's a female. This group is more than 1 person and none of them are females. Mads
Queens of the Stone Age It seems like they picked this name to make parents think they're a bit sexually confused, and might try to get their kids to think that way about themselves. However most parents who are Gen-Xers and Baby Boomers are familiar enough with bands that do that sort of thing, so they're not as intimidated by it. The Skuz
Queens Of The Stone Age They're all guys, and they don't seem all that primitive. Jonathan S.
Queens Of The Stone Age Same problem as Queen; in both cases, they're all guys, yet they name themselves after female entities, and they don't appear to be gay, so what gives? And what is WITH the latter having to be Queens "OF THE STONE AGE"??? Like that's going to make the name sound any tougher. HAH! Jonathan S.
Queensryche I have no idea how to pronounce this and I've even heard radio DJs admit they have the same problem! GlamRockNinjaLord
Queensryche The spelling never looks right. Furthermore, it sounds like some kind of gay dictatorship. Chris
The Queers I dunno, it seems to have a rather sick connotation to it. Jim Raveling
Quiet Riot Last time I checked, riots were loud. Unless this is a riot of librarians, it should be loud. Travis
Quiet Riot As someone else already pointed out, a riot, by definition is not supposed to be quiet. What were these guys thinking? "Let's just use these words as our name just because they rhyme"? That's not a good combo if you ask me! Doohiki
Quincy This name looks like a first name of a male performer since Quincy is a man's name, but instead it's a band (of all men), with none of them named Quincy. Future Backer
The Quitters This local band (from Rochester, NY) went nowhere and eventually.. quit. With a name like that, what else would you expect to happen? Jeffrey Kasten

Other Pages: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Misc.

New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.

Submissions Are Accepted Again

Much like the stupid song lyrics page, I get a lot of submissions for this page. More than I can really handle. The problem is that I get a lot of "Blink 182 is stupid 'cuz I said so" submissions, which I have to waste time deleting (though not much). I also get a lot of submissions that just aren't funny. I guess the real problem is that the word stupid can mean so many things, and hence every band name could be considered stupid.

So in short, don't bother sending me stupid email about this stupid page, or you're stupid.

If you have a creative/humorous idea, please submit it.