Take one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The removal of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Steve Winwood's "Split Decision" would become "Spit Decision"
Thanks to Philip Eno for the inspiration on this one!
Entries Beginning with I, Page 9
Entries starting with I are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
But new song's grammar could use another miracle.
Wendy Torrance
"It's A Shame About Ra," Lemonheads originally
"It's A Shame About Ray" Ra = Egyptian Sun god
Samantha Wayland
"It's A Sham About Ray," Lemonheads originally
"It's A Shame About Ray" Regina Olsen
"It's About Tie," Lillix originally
"It's About Time" Candy Welty
"It's Bout Time," Lillix originally
"It's About Time" Candy Welty
"It's About Tim," Lillix originally
"It's About Time" Tessa
"It's Al Coming Back To Me Now," Celine Dion originally
"It's All Coming Back To Me Now" Candy Welty
"It's Al In Your Head," Diamond Rio originally
"It's All In Your Head" What the heck is he doing there?
Wendy Torrance
"It's All In Our Head," Diamond Rio originally
"It's All In Your Head" Wendy Torrance
"It's Alight, It's OK," Ashley Tisdale originally
"It's Alright, It's OK" Wendy Torrance
"It's An Uphill Limb To The Bottom," Walter Jackson originally
"It's An Uphill Climb To The Bottom" In M.C. Escher's version of a tree?
Cassandra Lund
"It's Been A Long Tie," The New Birth originally
"It's Been A Long Time" Candy Welty
"It's Been A Log Time," The New Birth originally
"It's Been A Long Time" Candy Welty
"It's Been A Long Tim," The New Birth originally
"It's Been A Long Time" Candy Welty
"It's Better In The Ark," Tony Martin originally
"It's Better In The Dark" Alyssa Jayne
"It's Cod," Smoosh originally
"It's Cold" Sarah Topsian
"It's Old," Smoosh originally
"It's Cold" Sarah Topsian
"It's Cod Tonight," Aiden originally
"It's Cold Tonight" Regina Haniger
"It's Old Tonight," Aiden originally
"It's Cold Tonight" Lizzie
"I's Getting Better," Mama Cass originally
"It's Getting Better" Better at something other than grammar!
Tim Panuchus
"It's Getting Bette," Mama Cass originally
"It's Getting Better" Valerie Cameron
"I's Gonna Be Me," N'Sync originally
"It's Gonna Be Me" Since use of "me" is already bad grammar, why not?
Samantha Wayland
(Not a singularization.)
Candy Welty
"It's Hard To Get Long," Joe Simon originally
"It's Hard To Get Along" Candy Welty
"It's Just A Hose Without You," Brook Benton originally
"It's Just A House Without You" Candy Welty
"It's Just Bout Time," Johnny Cash originally
"It's Just About Time" Candy Welty
"It's Just About Tie," Johnny Cash originally
"It's Just About Time" Candy Welty
"It's Just About Tim," Johnny Cash originally
"It's Just About Time" Candy Welty
"It's My Lie," Talk Talk originally
"It's My Life" Sara
And he'll cry if I want him to!
Lou Quilson
"It's My Urn," Diana Ross originally
"It's My Turn" Miss Ross wants to be cremated upon death?
Captain Irk
"It's Nearly Arica," XTC originally
"It's Nearly Africa" Arica is a city in Chile.
Jamie Burke
"It's Only The Good Tims," Tommy Edwards originally
"It's Only The Good Times" Candy Welty
"It's Only The Good Ties," Tommy Edwards originally
"It's Only The Good Times" Candy Welty
"It's Only The God Times," Tommy Edwards originally
"It's Only The Good Times" Candy Welty
"It's The Most Wonderful Tie Of The Year," Andy Williams originally
"It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" Jen
"It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Ear," Andy Williams originally
"It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" Mark Chesnut Roasting On An Open Fire
"It's Tim For Love," The Chi-Lites originally
"It's Time For Love" Yvette Bristle
"It's Written In The Tars," Paul Weller originally
"It's Written In The Stars" Duncan Moore
"It's Our Life," Andy Kim originally
"It's Your Life" Alyssa Jayne
"It's Your Lie," Andy Kim originally
"It's Your Life" Alyssa Jayne
On golf course in Itchycoo Park?
Jessica Childress
Ivor = a given name of old Norse origin
Regina Olsen
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