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Fun Music Information -> Outkast

Album cover parody of Speakerboxxx/ The Love Below by OutKast
Parody album cover
click to see the original

This is the most recent information about Outkast that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Outkast, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).

Our newest site, amIwrong has an albums order quiz where you need to put this performer's albums in order of release.

Possible Misspelled Names:

These are the alternate spellings of the performer's name we've had to correct in submissions to amIright.

Outkast featuring Norah Jones, Outkast (Big Boi Feat. Sleeply Brown), Outcast

Band Name Origins:

  • Big Boi was an outcast in primary school, but was popular in High School so it was to do with his past. Andre 3000 liked the name better than the original name, Two Stanks. They added a k to avoid coipyright (from what?), to make it cooler and to be able to get a website Submitted by: Big T

Stupid Band Names:

  • There are two of these guys, so they should be The Outcasts. And learn how to spell, for Pete sake. Submitted by: Reggie Pillbox

New Song Names:

Original Song Name
New Song Name
Submitter Name
"Land Of A Million Crumbs""Land Of A Million Drums"Nicole Velocin
"She Lives In My App""She Lives In My Lap"Lori Tirol
"Roma""Roses"Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Bombs In Your Rucksack""Bombs Over Baghdad"rex
"Michael Jackson""Ms. Jackson"Anonymous

There are additional Outkast new song names available.

Literally Impossible Song Titles:

Submitter Name
"She Lives In My Lap,"If she did, your leg would look weird!Paul Warren

Use a Song Title to Answer a Different Song:

Song & Band Name
Song & Band Name
"Flowers," Miley Cyrus"Roses," Outkast
"Teacher," Jethro Tull"Ms. Jackson," Outkast
"Janet," Kiss Kiss"Ms. Jackson," OutKast
"Hey You," Pink Floyd"Hey Ya!," Outkast
There are additional songs titles that answer other songs available.

Remove a Letter From a Song Title:

"She Lies In My Lap" originally "She Lives In My Lap"
Melanie Bianca Green
"Land Of A Million Rums" originally "Land Of A Million Drums"
Wendy Torrance
"Ross" originally "Roses"

Add a Letter to a Song Title:

"She Lives In My Flap" originally "She Lives In My Lap"
Melanie Bianca Green
"She Lives In My Lamp" originally "She Lives In My Lap"
Melanie Bianca Green
"She Lives In My Clap" originally "She Lives In My Lap"
Melanie Bianca Green
"Toilet Trisha" originally "Toilet Tisha"
Elsie Greer

Change a Letter:

"She Dives In My Lap" originally "She Lives In My Lap"
Melanie Bianca Green
"She Lives In My Lip" originally "She Lives In My Lap"
Melanie Bianca Green
"Land Of A Million Drugs" originally "Land Of A Million Drums"
Kimberly Townsend
"Loses" originally "Roses"
Present-tense of lose
"Poses" originally "Roses"

There are additional Outkast song titles with a letter changed available.

Song Parody Lyrics:

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"Wheelz of Steel""Land of Scouts"Duc4AmIRight
"Hey Ya!""Great War"the_conqueror_of_parodies
"B.O.B""Not Really That Bad"the_conqueror_of_parodies
"She Lives In My Lap""Chi-Town's Got A Gator"Z-Police Productions, Inc
"Hey Ya!""Miguel's Crazy and Random Song"Darius Whitehead
"Ms. Jackson""Mr. Sanders"Darius Whitehead
"Hey Ya""Hobbit"2nz
"Bombs Over Baghdad""Disney Princesses"Tokusou Sentai Blessranger
"Hey Ya!""Hitler!"the_conqueror_of_parodies

There are additional Outkast song parodies available.

Songs for Commercials, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

Song Name
Hey Ya!Hearing AidsAlana
RosesCadbury's Roses chocolatespickle*
RosesFTD Bouquet Deliverymadame me
Hey YaPolaroidsMelissa
B.O.B.(Bombs Over Baghdad)Bush Reelection CampaignRab Bethan
There are additional Outkast commercials that haven't been done yet available.

Bad Choices for On Hold Music:

Song Name
RosesFTD FloristsReggie Pillbox
The Way You MoveParalysis clinic/helplineJessie W.
RosesRose's Department StoreMike
GhettomusickHeavy Metal Record CompanyMandie
Ms. JacksonJustin Timberlake's residenceLindz
There are additional Outkast on hold music ideas available.

Songs for Duets, That Haven't Been Done Yet:

First Band/Song Name
Second Band/Song Name
New Song Name
Tell Laura I Love Her
   Ray Peterson
Tell Laura I Love Her Roses
Alicia Sturdivant
Yellow Roses
Boom Boom
   John Lee Hooker
Bombs Over Baghdad
Boom Boom Over Baghdad
Bombs Over Baghdad
Boom Over Baghdad
There are additional Outkast duets that haven't been done yet available.

If Groups Combined, Their Names Might Be:

The Original Outkaste
The Original Caste combined with Outkast
Submitted By: Max
Destiny's OutKast Child
Destiny's Child combined with OutKast
Submitted By: Rhonda Blankenship
Swing OutKast Sister
Swing Out Sister combined with OutKast
Submitted By: Rhonda Blankenship

Misheard Lyrics:

"Hey Ya!"
Misheard Lyrics:
But does she really love me?
Original Lyrics:
But does she really want it?
"Hey Ya!"
Misheard Lyrics:
Shake it like a Courdory Gangster
Original Lyrics:
Shake it like a Polaroid picture.
"The Way You Move"
Misheard Lyrics:
I'm on the radio
Original Lyrics:
I like the way you move
"Hey Ya!"
Misheard Lyrics:
Original Lyrics:
Hey Ya!
There are additional Outkast misheard lyrics available.

Misheard Lyrics Stories:

"Hey Ya!"
Misheard Lyrics:
Shake it like a corduroy teacher.
Original Lyrics:
Shake it like a Polaroid picture.

Story about this misheard lyric by: Deb

I was singing it while driving and my friend stopped me and said "What did you just say?" I told her and she doubled over laughing. Then told me it was Polaroid Picture. That makes a lot more sense.

There are additional Outkast misheard stories available.

Song Parody Fragments:

"Ms. Jackson"
Better Lyrics:
I'm sorry Sir Jackson,
And I am for real.
Never meant to trip up all my lines
I apologize a trillion times
Original Lyrics:
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson,
And I am for real.
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
Submitted by: Rocky Mak
"Ms. Jackson"
Better Lyrics:
I'm sorry Ms. Siegel (OOOH)
I am yo son
Never meant to forget my homework, now
I apologize a trillion times
Original Lyrics:
I'm sorry Ms. Jackson (OOOH)
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
Submitted by:
"Ms Jackson"
Better Lyrics:
I'm sorry, Chuck Thorndyke (OOH)
I am for real
Never meant to make your grandson cry
I apologize a trillion times
Original Lyrics:
I'm sorry Ms Jackson (OOH)
I am for real
Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologize a trillion times
Submitted by: Andrea Huckstep
There are additional Outkast parody fragments available.

Funniest Song Lyrics:

"Hey Ya"
The Funny Lyrics:
Shake it like a polaroid picture
Why They're Funny:
You shake polaroid pictures to develop them quicker. dated lyrics, as they don't make that kind of film or camera anymore.
Submitted by: Helena
"Hey Ya"
The Funny Lyrics:
Shake it like a polaroid picture
Why They're Funny:
I didn't know polaroid pictures could move
Submitted by: Liz
There are additional Outkast Funny lyrics available.

Repetitive Song Lyrics:

"Hey Ya!"
The Repetitive Lyrics:
Hey Ya, Hey Ya, Hey Ya, Hey Ya...
Why They're Repetitive:
We have no idea what they're talking about
Submitted by: Amy
"Hey Ya"
The Repetitive Lyrics:
Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, alright
Why They're Repetitive:
Aaarrgh! I like the song but when this part comes and I'm driving it's so irritating I have to change radio stations or turn it off.
Submitted by: gb
There are additional Outkast repetitive lyrics available.

Nonsensical Song Lyrics:

"So Fresh, So Clean"
The Nonsensical Lyrics:
Love who you are
Love who you ain't
You're so Anne Frank
Let's hit the attic to hide out
For 'bout two weeks
Why They're Nonsensical:
The opener is nonsensical, but when Dre compares hooking up to forced seclusion during the Holocaust, it becomes obvious that he's totally clueless.
Submitted by: Mike Hack
"Ms. Jackson"
The Nonsensical Lyrics:
I hope we feel like this forever, forever.
Forever, ever?
Forever, ever?
Forever never feels like that long of a time
Why They're Nonsensical:
And your point is...WHAT exactly?? I'm sorry, but this just baffles me.
Submitted by: phalmito
There are additional Outkast nonsensical lyrics available.

Misrhymed Song Lyrics:

"Ms. Jackson"
The Misrhymed Lyrics:
So know just know that everything is cool
And yes I will be present on the first day of school and graduation
Why They're Misrhymed:
Although 'cool' and 'school' rhyme, 'gradutation' does not fit in anywhere.
Submitted by: Time Machine
"Hey Ya"
The Misrhymed Lyrics:
Why oh, why oh why oh,
Are we so in denial
Why They're Misrhymed:
He attempts to rhyme why-oh and denial by pronouncing denial 'deny-oh'
Submitted by: Tarquin
There are additional Outkast misrhymed lyrics available.

Insulting Song Lyrics:

"Ms Jackson"
The Insulting Lyrics:
You can get the h*ll on- you and your mama!
Why They're Insulting:
i swear that the song is supposed to be an apology- hence the chorous: 'sorry, miss jackson'. they just had to go ruin it at the end.
Submitted by: lady cutie

Inappropriate Song Lyrics:

"She Lives In My Lap"
The Inappropriate Lyrics:
But she lives in my lap
Why They're Inappropriate:
Submitted by: Michael
"So Fresh So Clean"
The Inappropriate Lyrics:
YKK on ya zippa
Why They're Inappropriate:
Don't know what a zipper has to do with being clean...It's kinda cool 'cause my friend and I were listening to the song and we heard this lyric so I looked on my jacket and it clearly said 'ykk'.
Submitted by: Junior

Dated Song Lyrics:

"Hey Ya"
The Dated Lyrics:
Shake it like a Polaroid picture
Why They're Dated:
Polaroid has announced that they will no longer make film for instant cameras, therefore, this line will become dated.
Submitted by: crazydon

Dirty Song Lyrics:

"Hey Ya'!"
The Dirty Lyrics:
Don't wanna meet your daddy
Just want you in my caddy
Don't wanna meet your momma
Just wanna make you comma.
Shake it like a Polaroid picture.
Why They're Dirty:
A lot of nasty wordplay and shaking body parts going on here.
Submitted by: Reggie Pillbox

Song Lyrics That Name Check Celebrities:

"Hey Ya!"
The Lyrics:
Now while Beyonce's and Lucy Liu's
And baby dolls, get on the floor
Who They Mention:
Beyonce, the singer and Lucy Liu, the actress
Submitted by: dxman

Song Lyrics That Mention Brand Name Products:

"Hey Ya"
The Lyrics:
Shake it, shake it, shake it like a Polaroid picture
Product Brand Name:
The old camera company Polaroid, which took pictures that were developed instantly from the camera. You used to shake the picture for a minute and peeled the backing to view. Later models eliminated the peeling and just developed by itself.
Submitted by: Reggie Pillbox
"The Way You Move"
The Lyrics:
But I know y'all wanted that 808
Product Brand Name:
Roland TR-808
Submitted by: Cody Finke
There are additional Outkast product lyrics available.

Song Title Space Change:

"Ms Jack's On " originally "Ms Jackson"
Submitted by: George Straitjacket
"Ms Jack Son" originally "Ms Jackson"
Submitted by: George Straitjacket

Band Name Anagrams:

Tut's A-OK Submitted by: Marjorie Danvers
Soak Tut Submitted by: Judd

Song Title Anagrams:

"She's My Vile Sin Pal" originally "She Lives In My Lap"
Submitted by: Sylvia Curruca
"Stub" originally "Bust"
Submitted by: Alyssa Jayne
"Tubs" originally "Bust"
Submitted by: Alyssa Jayne
"Buts" originally "Bust"
Submitted by: Alyssa Jayne
"A Loco Freshness" originally "So Fresh, So Clean"
Submitted by: Josh

Song Title Acrostics:

BOB: "Bombs Over Baghdad"
Submitted by: R.A.P.

Song Title Spoonerisms:

"She Lives In Lie Map" originally "She Lives In My Lap"
She must inhabit a fictitious place.
Submitted by: Sylvia Curruca
"The Yay Woo Move" originally "The Way You Move"
Submitted by: Ned MacCamden

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