Using just the letters of a band name, create a sentence using those letters to describe them. It's like an anagram, only there's no limit
to how many times you can use a letter.
Entries Beginning with A
Baa-baa-baa-baa! formed from
ABBA One sheepish entry deserves another.
Rachel Blattington
A bad cat hath a bat bait that'd catch a bat at a cat bath, a bad bat habitat, a bad cat habit. formed from
Acid Bath Drew Scarymore
Bad Tabitha Had A Bad Cat formed from
Acid Bath Linda Radnil
Beth & Seth Babbled At Lib & Bill formed from
The Ad-Libs Amber Wayland
Annul Lax Aid Nix In Lunar Luau formed from
Adrian Lux Karen Smith
That is sometimes more. formed from
Aerosmith Ferragamo
Maharishis' Steamiest Trimester Stammerer's Rotisserie Staterooms' Metathesis formed from
Aerosmith Wow, profound!?!
Rachel Blattington
Anne Gags, As Gene Sang formed from
Agnes Karen Smith
Nadia, Dan, And I Aid Dean Ned in India, And Indiana. formed from
Aiden Lucy Crosland
I Slyly, Prissily, Sip Surplus Ripply Papillary Papyrus Slurry Syrups. formed from
Air Supply Rachel Blattington
What does that smell like?
Fred boy
Emma, Marie, & Miriam formed from
Amerie Karen Smith
A Merrier Rococo Ceramic Commerce Career formed from
Amy Correia D. Melody Dole, MD
Aha, My whiney mouse has so many eyes on you. formed from
Amy Winehouse Rosie Finch
Berlin Rebel Ran In formed from
Anberlin Karen Smith
My mummy army murmur, "Emu man Ray may marry my merry rumrunner, Amy". formed from
Anne Murray Jessica Childress
A Japanese metal band formed in 1991
Lefty Lucy
Hannah, Tina, Shana, & Anna formed from
Ashanti Karen Smith
This isn't a hint. formed from
Ashanti Ferragamo
Naive, girlier angel living in a large village, livening a rainier evening formed from
Avril Lavigne Julian
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