Using just the letters of a band name, create a sentence using those letters to describe them. It's like an anagram, only there's no limit
to how many times you can use a letter.
Entries Beginning with G
Gives Lead Allied Ladies A Saga formed from
Gail Davies Karen Smith
Gag Mama formed from
Gamma Sutch
Garage Garbage Bag formed from
Garbage Margo Gram
Goigoi from the Lion Guard?
Get Toy formed from
Gotye Selena Stopmez
Toy Egg formed from
Gotye Selena Stopmez
Gloopy runt eats and eats and eats nothing, all day. Yummy! formed from
Green Day hamp
Stir it! formed from
Grits Actually, a bowl of grits COULD be stirred.
Jonathan S.
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