Change one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result.
For example: Midnight Oil's "Blue Sky Mine" would become "Blue Sky Mime"
Entries Beginning with G, Page 1
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"Galant," M.I.A. originally
"Galang" Galant was a Mitsubishi car model.
Corrects the spelling!
Same pronunciation, different meaning
Reese without her spoon
"Gaze Of Broken Hearts," Tarnation originally
"Game Of Broken Hearts" Karen Smith
"Dame Of Broken Hearts," Tarnation originally
"Game Of Broken Hearts" Karen Smith
"Gale Of Broken Hearts," Tarnation originally
"Game Of Broken Hearts" Karen Smith
"Game On Broken Hearts," Tarnation originally
"Game Of Broken Hearts" Karen Smith
"Gate Of Broken Hearts," Tarnation originally
"Game Of Broken Hearts" Karen Smith
"Name Of Broken Hearts," Tarnation originally
"Game Of Broken Hearts" Karen Smith
"Fame Of Broken Hearts," Tarnation originally
"Game Of Broken Hearts" Karen Smith
"Game Or Broken Hearts," Tarnation originally
"Game Of Broken Hearts" Karen Smith
"Fame Over," Li'l Flip originally
"Game Over" The 15 minutes have passed.
Lois Teem
"Game Oven," Li'l Flip originally
"Game Over" Candy Welty
"Gave Over," Li'l Flip originally
"Game Over" As in one "gave over" [capitulated] to something
Samantha Wayland
"Dame Over," Li'l Flip originally
"Game Over" Candy Welty
"Came Over," Li'l Flip originally
"Game Over" Olga Ruiz
"Gale Over," Li'l Flip originally
"Game Over" The winds have calmed.
Bridget Andrews
"Game Shot," Kelis originally
"Game Show" Yvette Bristle
"Dame Show," Kelis originally
"Game Show" Yvette Bristle
"Game Slow," Kelis originally
"Game Show" Yvette Bristle
"Lame Show," Kelis originally
"Game Show" Yvette Bristle
"Name Show," Kelis originally
"Game Show" Yvette Bristle
"Fame Show," Kelis originally
"Game Show" Yvette Bristle
"Game Shop," Kelis originally
"Game Show" Yvette Bristle
"Gave Show," Kelis originally
"Game Show" Yvette Bristle
"Gate Show," Kelis originally
"Game Show" Yvette Bristle
"Game Snow," Kelis originally
"Game Show" Yvette Bristle
"James," Redeye originally
"Games" Yvette Bristle
"Names," Redeye originally
"Games" Yvette Bristle
"Gates," Redeye originally
"Games" Yvette Bristle
"Gamer," Redeye originally
"Games" Janice Ferrell
"Dames," Redeye originally
"Games" Yvette Bristle
"Gates Without Frontiers," Peter Gabriel originally
"Games Without Frontiers" Mallory
"Names Without Frontiers," Peter Gabriel originally
"Games Without Frontiers" A. Person
"Dames Without Frontiers," Peter Gabriel originally
"Games Without Frontiers" Mallory
"Gangnam Stole," Psy originally
"Gangnam Style" Jessica Childress
"Gangnam Stale," Psy originally
"Gangnam Style" Jessica Childress
"Gangnam Stile," Psy originally
"Gangnam Style" Same sound, different meaning
Jessica Childress
"Gangsta Roy," f(x) originally
"Gangsta Boy" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Gangsta Toy," f(x) originally
"Gangsta Boy" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Gangsta Joy," f(x) originally
"Gangsta Boy" Robert D. Arndt Jr.
"Warden In The Rain," Vic Dana originally
"Garden In The Rain" Candy Welty
"Garden In The Raid," Vic Dana originally
"Garden In The Rain" Candy Welty
"Garden In The Ruin," Vic Dana originally
"Garden In The Rain" Allison Lafferty
Would mostly be plants, I would think.
Changes it to English
Gretchen Wieners
"Gate City Flues," Duke Pearson originally
"Gate City Blues" Yvette Bristle
"Gate City Glues," Duke Pearson originally
"Gate City Blues" Yvette Bristle
"Gate Pity Blues," Duke Pearson originally
"Gate City Blues" Yvette Bristle
"Gate City Clues," Duke Pearson originally
"Gate City Blues" Yvette Bristle
"Rate City Blues," Duke Pearson originally
"Gate City Blues" Yvette Bristle
"Date City Blues," Duke Pearson originally
"Gate City Blues" Yvette Bristle
"The Games Of Delirium," Yes originally
"The Gates Of Delirium" Yvette Bristle
Sound of a gay sheep?
Marcia Todd
"Razing," Love originally
"Gazing" Doug Wells
"Gaming," Love originally
"Gazing" Iris Verna
"Dazing," Love originally
"Gazing" Iris Verna
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