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Names -> Cool Band Names -> F, Page 2

Whenever I hear a cool phrase somewhere, I like to exclaim "That would make a cool band name". This page is a list of such names.

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Entries Beginning with F, Page 2

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Fata Morgana Was looking for the meaning of mirage on the dictionary and I came across this name. Turns out that mirage is also known as fata morgana. I juz thot dat its sounded really nice and it will be a great name for a band. cryssy
Fatal Annihilation Ever noticed how heavy-metal bands often seem to have sat around in a black-painted basement with a dictionary, looking for cool synonyms for death, evil, disease etc... and very often their names end up being utter nonsense. Their first nr. 1 hit could be called "Mortal Hammer" Uncle Rifle
Fatal Horse Herpes The reason a 2011 rodeo had to use stick horses instead of real horses, seen in my submission "Redneck Quidditch" JeReMy
The Fatal Meadowlarks Once a group of people that included me were joking about a critter known as fatal metalmark, and someone misheard it as "fatal meadowlark". The actual critter gets its common name from a tie-in with mythology in its scientific name. All indications are that it is an innocuous critter despite its alarming common name. It doesn't bite or sting, has no venom, and is not known to be poison to anything that eats it. It is a critter quite smaller and even more unobtrusive than meadowlarks, namely a kind of butterfly, and a fairly small one at that. Anyhow, that mishearing of a reference to a harmless butterfly with an uncommonly daunting name eventually caused me to think, ah, there could be a good cool band names entry! Regina Haniger
Fatal Minds I came up with this when I was watching the news and I saw the heading..."Fatal Crash" and I though to myself...What fatal minds would drink and drive? And thats when it came to me! Kenna
Fatal Sneeze I thought of it when I was watching ESPN and heard that a baseball player was on the injured list because he sneezed. drew
The Fatal Sound of Broken Dreams It's a lyric from Duran Duran's song A View To A Kill. It would be a great band name for an 80s style pop band. Edward
The Fate Of Angels All will eventually submit to the will and service of men as commanded in The Bible. Gary Gray
Fathom Of The Opera Pun on "Phantom Of The Opera" Regina Haniger
Fathoms of the Fumitory The first part sounds sort of but not quite like phantoms. The second part sounds like something vaguely formidable, but actually it's just a kind of plant. But to those who don't know it it sounds like a mysterious and intriguing band name. Heather Corpening
Fatman Running I dont know. One day i was sitting there....thinking of band names. My bro comes in and goes "dude check it out the fat guy picked up the ball, and started runnng!" and then it hit me! We should name ourselved Fatman Running. Then....we changed it......bastards Some Guy
Fatt Polyester Mann In science class, we were reading about fibres, and that reminded me of polyester (don't ask). For more random names, Thomas Kelly
Fatty And The Stretchmarks We were trying to come up with a band name. After a while, we got delirious. The first album would be called "Summers of Shame". Kind of mean, but still funny. Derek
Fatty At The Crisco Like Panic! At The Disco, but making fun of fast food chains. randomness rules
Fatwhiteprince From an episode of "Bob's Burger's". GlamRockNinjaLord
The Faucets  I thought of it when I was a young lad and I thought it represented how I let music drain from my heart and out to others with out ending chester moykins
Faultline I just thought of this band name when i was playing ps2 and there was a guy on Socom2 online called: Faultline.  darian
Fauxstep This would be a cool name for a girl band. And I like how I spelled Fox = Faux. xD Just a Person Lookin' Around ^^
Fax of Li(e)fe Ok, so I like the ones that sounds like something else! 'Facts of Life'. Fax b/c life goes by so fast, but Li(e) because sometimes life sucks and that's a fact! Jordi Kaie
Fear we came up with it becuz we wanted a band name for our band that meant nightmare but we couldnt find one so we decided on fear....i dont think we ever usd it but it sounded kewl. renee and tina
Fear 2012 When the sacred monks decoded The Holy Bible, they found that Judgement Day will take place sometime in year 2012.  Fishstyx5150
Fear Dennison I dunno who Dennison is, but go ahead and use it. The Mole
Fear Knot The true Biblical quote instructs us not to worry or be afraid. But this is how we feel in the belly when we don't take heed to that good advice. Gary Gray
Fear Of Belief You know when something happens and you have that fear of people not beliving you. Lindsey
Fear of Self  xMafiaxMisfit57
Fear Of The Flesh i was thinking Rage Against the Machine cuz i love them (they just HAD to break up) and then, hey, Fear of the Flesh! whistler
Fear The Normal People I like it, it seems like a good Metal band name because 'normal' people are always scared (preps) of metal bands. For people who listen to metal, it's a good way to get back at them. Cory Johnson
Feared Revenge Or Sweetest Revenge. I really like My Chemical Romance, and I thought the whole thing about the revenge was awesome. Ssome ideas just popped in my head. I kinda like feared revenge better, I hope nobody uses it =] Hayley
Fearghul I once met someone called Fearghul...I thought it sounded like a kickass name for a black metal band RobMephisto
Fearophobia Oxymoron (actually a repetition). I like it. It could be 'phobiaphobia' or something else like that too. FoFo
Feast of Maximum Occupancy Simpsons reference, in Homer's religion, he decided to make up a holiday, and this is what he came up with staring at a sign over the bar. ChuckyG
Feature Presentation Like after the previews in a movie. Just thought it could be a sweet name of a band. rog_dog
February Of Nickels My father used say that whenever he was asked to contribute to the March of Dimes, he'd always reply, "Sorry, but I already gave all my money to the January of Pennies and the February of Nickels." Regina Haniger
Feckless and the Gadflies Feckless means worthless and Gadfly is a critic of athority... there for they are Critics of athority whos criticizm has no effect.. could be a Retro-spoof 50's band FecklessGagfly
Federal Adios  Its an anagram of the street I used to live in. The Chosen One
Feet Of The Jackal It was my band name in like 4th grade, and everybody loved us. We came up with it by looking through a video game instruction manual. It was some code or level or something like that. Matt
Fell Half Flight I was carrying an Xbox and a PS2 at the same time and I was going down the stairs.Halfway down. Well I think you get the rest ... =) Zelle
Felo-de-se It means 'suicide' in Latin. I found the meaning while I was writing a poem for English class. David
Felonious Monk What would result if jazz pianist Thelonious Monk went on a crime spree. Bullzeye
Felony & the Misdemeanors It's cool because it's simple and gets the point across that you are simply a straight up rock band with no gimmicks. Mike J
Felt Tip the storie is we had this guy in our art class who would allways press down way too hard on the felt tip pens. so when we would go to use the pens they would be flat and spread out. well eventually he became the guitar play in our band so now the name is just a inside joke....the band is now broken up Isaac W.
FemFighter and the Spacedragons In case you can't tell, this is based on Metroid. FemFighter of course is Samus, and Spacedragons is a culmination of various versions of Ridley. Spaces omitted intentionally. something clever
Femina Intacta Good name for a girl group. Latin for "virgin." Pablo Impractica
Femme Fetale It's good for an emo girl band. It's basically the Female Bad guy of a movie. hizNATCH
FenderBenders its my band's name. we use fender equipment and my friend broke 3 guitars in concert. we changed our name to fenderbenders jamie
Fending For Friends I always feel like i need to defend my friends.  Miss Vengeance
The Ferocious Fighting Turdherders Hey i was thinking, well what is some guys from the sanitation department (sewer) started a hot group and well , other guys would get jealous cuz their sweethearts were schmoozing over their tunes. well those jealous guy would pick on them, those sewer guys would have to be tough to save their dignity. Badboybear
Ferocious Wallpaper  Me and a friend loved this since highschool... now that being 20 yrs ago it still sounds cool and would make for a some great cd./album covers AtomicApril
The Festering Mulberries A rather clever contortion of The Travelling Wilberries, I remember it featured in a computer game but I can't think which one. Possible good name for a punk band. Obidiah Gruntfuttock
Fetal Injury I like it because it's really "metal" sounding. I got it from a friend of mine who said that the music is so heavy, fast and brutal death metal that listening to it when woman is pregnant will cause fetal injury. Lord Worm
Fetus Don't Fail Me Now Kind of reminded me of that phrase, "feet don't fail me now". A friend and I came up with it. Sammm
Fever Box Stored energy ready to explode. Contained heat too hot to handle but one very cool sounding band name. And if you're vile-minded, you might use this term to describe your girlfriend's pleasure place.  Murdock Mcgoo (gg)
Few Selected Casanovas a good friend of mine suggested the name, it was the name of his gang when he was in high school. he has it engraved on his right arm with a heated knife. I liked it, and so we used it. shsoulraven
Fex 123 I was in the army and that was a code name for one of our training routine. Mikie Young
Field Day Last year, when i was in the 7th grade, on field day a few 8th graders formed a crappy-ass rock band and thought they could blow us all away by performing it on field day for the whole school to see. Ummmm.... it sucked. The amps were practically below the human hearing range and all you could hear was the crowd laughing and screaming catcalls. Then a girl decided to step up and start singing. She sucked too. No one could hear her and we all thought she had just lost her tonsils or something. The only good performer was the drummer. And the guy with the broken finger who was trying to get us to start a wave. Nader
Fiendish Thingies It's a line that George Harrison says in "Yellow Submarine" (the movie). It cracks me up everytime, some cool band needs to name themself this! RIP George Harrison!
Fierce Diety Wanna know why this name is cool? It's cuz the other day my cousin was playing a Nintendo game or something...I think it was Zelda, and he had the volume turned up really loud. I told him to turn it down cuz I was working on my anime drawing. He then yelped out loud "FIERCE DIETY!!! I GOT THE FIERCE DIETY MASK!" And I'm like..."O-kay..." But later I thought about it, and it sounded like a pretty cool name for a heavy metal rock band or something. Sounded pretty awesome. Slipper
Fiery Jack The name comes from a song by the Fall. I'm surprised that no one has used it as a band name. Paul
Fifteen Minutes of Privacy When that Andy Warhol quote becomes rather an understatement. man
Fifth Corner I was sitting on the train, thinking of names that would be cool for our band. I was thinking of Mariah Carey's album E=MC2. So I thought, what if a square had five corners. That's how i came up with it. Kiki
Fifth Element A group of us were trying to come up with a group name in we saw the periodic table and thought...element, element...five of us in teh group...FIFTH ELEMENT! voila...idk if we're gonna use that Jaba
Fifth Goodbye My buds and I were all waiting for this party to end so we could say we were there last (we find joys in strange things) and these people wouldn't leave even though they had said goodbye like five times. SO I shouted to the rest of my friends, "what is this like their fifth goodbye" then my b/f said, "that sounds like a band..." zabbs
The Fifth Resistance I was listening to A7X and was like "Man, they really pulled off using a number in their band". So I thought for a while and came up with that. richie
Fight Like Sinatra Frank is a badass, and fighting like him would just be that much more awesome. Gordon
Fight Night At The Golf Course It's kind of like Panic! At the Disco but not. Like it has that quirky, yet fun punk like rock name. I think that it's pretty cool, but I'm just going to warn you not to use it because my group has it copywritten. Andrea
A Fight To Live It's purely how me and most people feel about life, honestly you "fight to live." preston conrad
Fighting For Peace AWESOME Michael Gill
Fighting Over Pancakes Imagine the possibility's... A name so silly, it has to be a band name. techthisout
Figjam I was eating jam and then i thought figjam!  Zobas
Figment My friends cat always hides in closets or other places, so I barely see it when I'm at his house. We were saying it's almost like a bigfoot or sasquach, because there's barely any proof it exists. Then one time, I did see it, I said, "So it does exist!" Then he said, "No, it's just a figment of your imagination." And we both thought it would be an awesome name for our band, but the other people in our band didn't like it, so we threw it out. Deej
Figure 8 When Blink 182 was going through lawsuits about there name"Blink" they came up with this as a alternate but decided to keep "Blink" and add "182". P.o.E
Filburt My buddy and I were chosing names for our band and I came up with "Filburt" in honor of the Rocko's Modern Life character. We didn't use it, but I still like it. It sounds cool and as an added bonus you automatically have a logo. Your Mom
Fillabusters My friend and I came up with this idea in government class. In the Senate, you can get up and talk for as long as you want, as long as you remain standing. This is called a fillabuster. What a window of opportunity for some public attention? Just bring and amp, guitar, bass and so on to a day in congess and start playing when you get to speak, no one can stop you. First songs: "jesus on a bus" "strom thurman, my hero" and "all thing legal" Ange
The Filtered System I just was doing the filtering on the internet search and then my computer shut down and on the screen it said system shut down so i thought filtered systen. Will
Filthy Petunias My dad was really drunk and my uncle fell off the roof and my dad yelled out, "What the hell did you do to the petunias? You got em filthy!" My mom stumbles outside and yells, "You'd best take those filthy petunias home with you, Walter!" My brother and I cracked up so here it is: Filthy Petunias. freddie
Final Affliction Sounds like something off of Mortal Kombat M.U.L.E
Final Frontier A Frontier is a place where you can escape reality. Therefore Final Frontier. james
The Final Stand  Shah
Finding Emo Obviously an emo band name, personally i find it hilarious! lol ZoJo
Finding Friday because don't u wish that it was always friday night.....partying at ur friends?! everyone wants to find their friday...their sort of paradise away from all the hussle & bussle.....we all want to party, dont we? go out & find ur friday jOn MuRpHy
Finding Home The name of my favorite saosin song Nothing
Finding The Format i saw it as a headline in a newspaper and thought it sounded catchy brillo
The Fine Print One day when I bought an ice cream sandwich from a store I didn't realize that in tiny type it said it had almonds, and since I don't really care for nuts, I thought, "Damn, I should have read the fine print." (although it turned out to be delicious!) But I digress...there are so many times when problems are caused by not reading fine print that I think it should be a band name. It would be best suited to an indie-kinda band. Cat
The Finest Future I got this one from Evan's Drumheads: their slogan is The First the finest the future Mr. Freakin' Stupid
The Finger Bang Misfire Haha. Well I was watching the extra features for "cabin fever" and the guy who was making the song for the scene said "...And this is for the 'finger bang misfire' scene where he believes he touches the girls....Yea but is really fingering her infected leg thingy. I thought it sounded pretty cool/funny. xOliviax
Finger English this is actually another name for giving people the byrd or the finger...i thoght it would be a cool name and i think i may have seen it in a really old surf mag from the late sixties. Jeff LeTourneau
Finger Prince It's a pun on "fingerprints", plus the concept of "finger prince" could suggest various meanings, some of them "shady". Lori Tirol
Fingerbang It was on a South Park episode. It's really funny because they're like "I'm gunna finger bang bang you!" and then they are like "What does finger bang mean?" eVaN jAy
Fingerbone Could be an indie band name. Some people couldn't really see it as explicit, could they? Ned Riley
Fingerpaint Lewis Me and two of my friends were on the bus going to school one day. And we were thinking up names of punk band names. One of my friends Cory was like make up a name like something a kndergardner would do. We're like, so do u have one. He's like "drinking chocolate". Like 4 people were like that was DUMb. Then we we're like "Fingerpainting". Then I thought up well add Lewis to the end. That was my boyfriends last name at the time. And I was obsessed with him. So I thought add something about him in it. Then my friends just agreed with me. Then my best friend was like shorten fingerpainting to fingerpaint. So it became "Fingerpaint Lewis. A whole bunch of my friends thought it sounded awesome. And one of my friends was like it's so punkish. It's distorted. I love it. bad_gurl
Fini Sh*t It's like "finish it" but it's not. JeReMy
Finns Swedes and Russians Describes my favourite hockey team. Kitch
Fire Angels I came up with it after 911, dealing with all the fires going on. And the angels taking the people up to Heaven.  Gina
Fire Blaze Its a name that means like you're really cool you're on fire  Jamie
Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies ?? ash
Fire In A Can Just think about it. What if you could buy fire in a can? Just go to Walmart, and pick up a can of their store brand of fire. Take it home, grab a can opener, open it, and pour it in your fireplace or something. And Voila! Instant fire! I thought of it one day years back when I was trying to find things I could invent. The other one I came up with that day was Peanut Butter and Jam spread, but apparently someone else beat me too it. OOglebooze
Fire In The Hole It reminds me of the nucular age we are in and the threat of war that looms over our heads on a day to day basis the bands name would go right along what we watch in the news every day.. firefox
A Fire Less Burnt I just think its cool. Like, how could a fire be less burnt??? Devo
Fire-Breathing Penguins Imagine Fire-breathing penguins. See? Isn't it cool? I thought of it when my freind an I were gonna make a website. We were thinking of nicknames and I came up wit fire-breathing penguin. We thought it would be a cool band name. Justin
FireBlow Sounds like fire below. what happens when you get so drunk that you think the hot wings are not too hot, so ya add a bottle of sauce... next day....FireBlow...or Tingling Sphincter TooDang

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