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Song Parodies -> "Ringolos"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

The Beach Boys

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:

Malcolm Higgins

The Lyrics

a biscuit , a triscuit,
a sugar pop bezapper,
some pop tarts, or love hearts,
or even ritzy crackers..

when you just have to eat,
there's a snack called ringolos
eat them fast, or eat them slow,
and you will feel all aglow
they taste rich and so grand,
grab a mittfull in your hand,
you'll need to call upon your little insulin gland

a biscuit , a triscuit,
a sugar pop bezapper,
some pop tarts, or love hearts,
or even ritzy crackers..
some chippies, and dippies
banana snapple drippies,
choco, and rolos
(ooh why don't we get ringolos, we'll eat them fast,
or we can eat them slow, that's what we need, lets go,
lets get the ringolos

excuse, mai oui, I be a bit hungry

turn on that channel three, and we'll watch the game for free,
by and by we'll defy, the satellite authorities
after then, the fights, we'll be starved by late at night
when the beer's runnin dry, we'll need some snacks or we will die
lets get some ringolos

a biscuit , a triscuit,
a sugar pop bezapper,
some pop tarts, or love hearts,
or even ritzy crackers..
some chippies, and dippies
banana snapple drippies,
choco, and rolos
(ooh why don't we get ringolos, we'll eat them fast,
or we can eat them slow, that's what we need, lets go,
lets get the ringolos

not rippled chips, or new granola dipps

everybody knows, there's none other like ringolos
get a plate and you'll know, of what I speak, I told you so,
go get some ringolos

a biscuit , a triscuit,
a sugar pop bezapper,
some pop tarts, or love hearts,
or even ritzy crackers..
some chippies, and dippies
banana snapple drippies,
choco, and rolos
(ooh why don't we get ringolos, we'll eat them fast,
or we can eat them slow, that's what we need, lets go,
lets get the ringolos

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Pacing: 3.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   1
 4   0
 5   0

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