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Song Parodies -> "My Temper Is Fine"

Original Song Title:

"Remember the Time"

Original Performer:

Michael Jackson

Parody Song Title:

"My Temper Is Fine"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

What is it about incredibly calm people that makes other people want to break that calm?
Haha, no, washes through with time
You won't get me peeved, hahaha

Some people's temper, ah, always gets set off
With the slightest pressure, poor them, ah
That's not my temper, ah, I'm not gonna snap
Though it seems you want it, hence why you're a prick

You want my temper (a lid's on my temper) to burn us all (a lid's on my temper)
No thread will sever (a lid's on my temper), it's too strong (a lid's on my temper)
Won't lose my temper (a lid's on my temper), strong, I'll still stand (a lid's on my temper)
So keep throwin' pies (a lid's on my temper), won't flare (a lid's on my temper)
Trust me

Told you my temper is fine, it's not gonna pop
Dude, my temper is fine, don't be a big jerk
Told you my temper is fine (uh, oh, I), I won't blow my top (uh)
Told you my temper is fine

I keep my temper, ah, solid as a rock
No matter how much you poke, tickle or knock
Won't flare my temper, ah, I won't ever flinch
So could you please go and leave the rocks at home?

Once lost my temper (a lid's on my temper) back in the spring (a lid's on my temper)
What an awful (a lid's on my temper), nasty thing (a lid's on my temper)
Since then my temper (a lid's on my temper) is held down tight (a lid's on my temper)
Still miss my old remote (a lid's on my temper) I snapped in half that night (a lid's on my temper)

Told you my temper is fine (ah, oh, I), I'm not gonna pop
Dude, my temper is fine, don't be a big jerk
Told you my temper is fine (uh, oh, I), back off with that mop (uh)
Dude, my temper is fine

I need you to leave
Just wanted a bit of peace
Not gonna see me flip my lid
'Cause you'll end up with your poor neck snapped

Told you my temper is fine (no problem temper), I'm not gonna pop
Dude, my temper is fine, don't be a big jerk
Told you my temper is fine (ah, oh, I), still want you to stop
Dude, my temper is fine, my temper ain't wavin'
Told you my temper is fine (a solid temper), I'm not gonna pop
Dude, my temper is fine, look at my smile, jerk
Told you my temper is fine (oh, I), your head, I'll rip off
Dude, my temper is fine (ah), my temper ain't wavin'

My temper is fine (hoo!)
My temper is fine (won't blow my temper, jerk)
My temper is fine (I don't know why you need)
My temper is fine (to get a rise, please, because it won't work)
My temper is fine (piss off, piss off, piss off)
My temper is fine (piss off, piss off, there's no problem with me)
My temper is fine (I'm serene, not faked, shut you out, I'll shut you out)
My temper is fine (grrrrrat, tat, tat, tat, grrrrrat, tat, tat)
My temper is fine (hoo! What a lark)
My temper is fine (still, piss off, could you? Could you? Could you?)
My temper is fine (Could you? Could you? Could you? Can you?)
My temper is fine (yeah-eah, yeah-eah, hoo!)
My temper is fine, my temper is fine

Oh yeah, that's it: some people are dicks.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.7
How Funny: 3.7
Overall Rating: 3.7

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

User Comments

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Jay S - February 16, 2021 - Report this comment
God awful. Mike would be upset that you did this.

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