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Song Parodies -> "Turning 'Round the House"

Original Song Title:

"Burning Down the House"

Original Performer:

Talking Heads

Parody Song Title:

"Turning 'Round the House"

Parody Written by:

Michael Pacholek

The Lyrics

After almost 1100 entries, my first Talking Heads parody. (Like I didn't see enough "talking heads" on Election Night.) Never a big fan of theirs, but this was so obvious a choice (along with "Our Hours" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Sometimes Young) that I can make a projection: I won't be the only one who thought of it.
Watch out!
Majority we're after!
Cool, baby!
GOP gets stranger!
Fight for ordinary guys!
Turning 'round the House!

Race tight!
It puts our Party over!
Race tight!
In States known as "bellwether"!
We have found ourselves away!
Turning 'round the House!

Winning ticket!
In the bag!
Repubs going overboard!
The big election is here!
Close is race
so close, so far.
Baby, you know where votes are!
Republicans are fired!

All wet!
Right-wingers waterlogging!
Shook up!
Dreams coming all true tonight!
One hundred eighty, yeah, degrees!
Turning 'round the House!

Democrats clean up the place!
Sometimes I just surprise myself!
Gonna come in first place!
People need good pay to work, baby!
What did you expect?
Repubs burst into shame!

Our House!
Even the Senate, maybe!
That's right!
No, wait it's left now, buddy!
Some things sure can
sweep me into power!
Turning 'round the House!

Electoral means of support
and you have not seen nothing yet!
Democrats stick together
I don't know what you expect
staring into the TV set
with George Bush the liar!
"Madame Speaker, will the gentleman yield?" She yields to the distinguished gentleman from New Jersey. Will you yield five votes on the floor?

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.4
How Funny: 3.1
Overall Rating: 3.2

Total Votes: 8

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   3
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   4

User Comments

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Contemptuous Crackpot - November 08, 2006 - Report this comment
We won, baby! Now, you know if we do not take the Senate, ignorant Republicans will claim that they won. When they do, that will be like the Germans saying, "we totally kicked your butt in Market Garden" or the Japanese saying "we destroyed you at Wake Island". It will be a petty attempt to claim victory for a battle in the war that we won!
Robert J. Pagliaro - November 08, 2006 - Report this comment
Michael - I started to write "Our House" last night but just got to caught up in the massacre. I'm convinced that we've won the Senate but the fascists will figure out some way to steal it. Thank you Pennsylvania, Indiana, upstate New York, New Jersey and the American electorate. bob
alvin rhodes - November 08, 2006 - Report this comment
my favorite of the day.....
John Barry - November 08, 2006 - Report this comment
As I vote 5s, I hear Dumbya telling us that the senile Rumpsfelt is gone. Wie Gates?
Robert J. Pagliaro - November 08, 2006 - Report this comment
John: The best was when Dumbaya said today that he knew this yesterday but didn't want to inject politics into the election process. We got Montana and we should win Virginia - but I think the fascists will ask for a recount there. Finally, Bush's reign of terror is over. bob
Meriadoc - November 08, 2006 - Report this comment
Michael, I came here to this thread to congratulate you on last night's victory. After reading the comments above I almost walked away without doing so. Why attempt to be gracious in defeat when the 'other side' cannot even be gracious in victory? A very very sad commentary on the state of our country.

But, rising above all that crapola - Michael, congrats on the Democratic victory last night. The American people spoke loud and clear for change. As an optimist I believe that working together the new House and Senate CAN make a difference. I pray that Rumsfeld's resignation and new blood will bring this unpopular Iraq war to a conclusion in a way that will be good for Iraq, America and the rest of the world, and will bring a sense of commonality and satisfaction to both political parties. I pray that the factions in the government can put aside their differences and work for the good of the American people. And you know, I believe they will all do just that - my faith in the American political system and the will of the people is strong. I just find it incredibly sad that parodists cannot rise to that same level of common decency.... :-(
Robert J. Pagliaro - November 08, 2006 - Report this comment
Meriadoc: This president, this Congress and the other side have been nothing short of divisive over the past six years. Like you, I hope the White House and those in the minority will be able to work with us - but their track record proves otherwise. Certainly, no American wants what has gone on during the past six years to continue. However, as you so well put, the American people spoke loud and clear for change - those of us who have waited many years for this want to make sure that they get what they voted for. That means no more unjust wars, no more corruption, no more lying and no more sex scandals (wife beatings, mistress beatings, pedophilia or drug induced romps with male prostitutes). I'm sorry that you can't see why we are so overjoyed that we have finally gotten rid of those who caused the problems in this country. And I'm a bit troubled that you don't see the decency in the New America (and even more troubled that you found the past six years decent). But give us time, we can't start change until January (and it will come.) My faith in the American political system also was challenged after the stolen (s)election in 2000; it has now been restored. bob
Sore loser? - November 08, 2006 - Report this comment
Oh, I see, that's the way those of you on the right are going to spin this - the winners are not gracious in victory. HAHAHA. Good try but it's a load of crap. Where were you the last six years? Sorry, I agree with those comments above the sore or poor loser Meriadac. To the victor goes the spoils.
Gracious in Victory - November 08, 2006 - Report this comment
Are you kidding? George W. Bush has been shoving sticks in our eyes for the past six years and you're looking for gracious in victory? How about gracious in defeat? Why didn't George W. Bush call Nancy Pelosi last night? Hmmmm, I agree with Sore Loser? . . . and you CAN try to spin it any way you please but the fact is if you're upset about the results of the election than you have been behind the atrocities of George W. Bush and the extremist republicans . . . and you too are an extremist. Last night's election voted out the extremist ideology. Let me put in in words that you can understand ---- "if you're not with us, you're against us." Mission Accomplished.
Yoidy - November 08, 2006 - Report this comment
It's about time!
Human Kind - November 09, 2006 - Report this comment
It's sooooo true, many of us wouldn't live past the end of the month if we were subjected to more of "stay the course". I agree it's about time the good guys won!ê
Michael Pacholek - November 09, 2006 - Report this comment
Somebody sent me an e-mail that said, "Goodnight, Gracie!" I thought I "got it": Bush fiddles while Conrad Burns! I only half-got it: The last two Senators to go down and give the Senate to the Democrats were Burns and Allen. Robert Gates? At the least, he's competent and not a fanatic, and if Bush had simply appointed him to the post at the start, he might not have to replace his Secretary of Defense now! And I got a new job! (The Democrats' economic plan is already working!) And Britney finally kicked Kevin off the gravy train. And the Devils beat the defending champion Carolina Panthers. What a great last week or so!
Robert J. Pagliaro - November 09, 2006 - Report this comment
I don't get it - suddenly Dubya has his back against the wall after shoving shit down our throats since the stolen (s)election and 2/3 of the country is expected to be gracious and welcome him with open arms? The system works - it will be a peaceful transfer of power - in with the new ideology out with the tired and failed ideology. I think the president should be bending over backwards to work with the majority for the good of the people. Afterall, it was the people who overwhelmingly declared that it's time for change. To quote Sore Loser and the warmongers: "If you're not with us, you're against us."
Oops... - November 12, 2006 - Report this comment
Defending Champion Carolina Hurricanes. Not Panthers. Sorry about that.
MIKE - December 12, 2010 - Report this comment

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