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Song Parodies -> "I've Got Some Squatters"

Original Song Title:

"Smoke on the Water"

Original Performer:

Deep Purple

Parody Song Title:

"I've Got Some Squatters"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Sometimes people need a place to stay, so they stay over at a friend's house. This is that kinda thing, except it's lots of people. And their not friends with this poor dude. And there's no permission involved. Yeah. Enjoy!
My house is real big, I know
It's still 100 percent mine
At least it should be, cause I find
Trespassers all the time
Sometimes they're random stoners
Who think I'm a Nazi clo-own
Sometimes it's my old college buds
Didn't invite them 'round

I've got some squatters
Invaders in my li-ife
Piss off, you squatters

Makin' a mess of my house
Leavin' their beer cans around
Oh god, the smell will take years to air ou-out
Even then I have doubts
Nearly taken ove-er
Why'd they have to crash at my pla-ace?
Though before I've thrown them out
They keep sneakin' in anyway

I've got some squatters
Bringin' me lots of stri-ife
Rack off, you squatters

Dunno why they can't use a hote-e-e-el
Are their wallets just that bare?
Bastards keep parking their craphole trucks outside
And there's a lot out there
Once I found one sleepin' in my bed
And I could smell the swea-eat
I've thought about moving out of this
House and then maybe charge these guys rent

I've got some squatters
Might as well charge 'em ri-ight
Pay up, you squatters

And now you've got that riff stuck in your head for a week. You're welcome!

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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