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Song Parodies -> "They're All Deranged In Southern California"

Original Song Title:

"It Never Rains In Southern California"

Original Performer:

Albert Hammond

Parody Song Title:

"They're All Deranged In Southern California"

Parody Written by:

Guy DiRito

The Lyrics

He got bored and grabbed an AK-47,
Made a stink about deciding what to do.
Then he shot up a community, IVs, traiks and uzzies,
Bang spew, pure bang stew.

Seems no one has any brains in California,
Seems these nerds have gotten way onto hardcore.
If you remain in California, someday they may mourn ya,
There's wars, big gang wars.

Act a jerk, you're just so brain dead,
Be the prime suspect, get out the lead,
Under arrest, under the tread, sex on the phone.
They missed their trains in California, with guile they will scorn ya.
Hardcore, it's hardcore.

You can't tell the facts from stone, it's really jaded.
These ulcers are gettin' worse with each earthquake.
Can't afford to pay the green fees,
Don't ask how much the green fees.
Another quake! Gimme a break.

They're all deranged in Southern California,
Seems it's got it's share of fruits and nuts galore.
They're so insane in California, watch out they don't storm ya,
It's war, man it's war.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.7
How Funny: 3.7
Overall Rating: 3.7

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

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