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Song Parodies -> "Jitneys, Trams, and Feet"

Original Song Title:

"Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Jitneys, Trams, and Feet"

Parody Written by:

John A. Barry

The Lyrics

We're beyond station wagons as we're traveling more,
Mom and dad mindlessly bought a new 4x4.
Papa never drives it in the woods.
Mom just goes to soccer, through the bottlenecks of the neighborhood.

Jitneys, trams, and feet
Are how people might start to get around,
We'll need more jitneys, trams, and feet,
'Cause the amount of oil that's in the ground
Is goin' down.

Based in the south, a firm called Mobil,
Bought up by Exxon, a firm that bodes ill.
Nets billions--more than twenty-one.
It's ozone's nemesis,
And Prince William Sound's still slicked with Exxon Valdez scum.


We need to cut fuelin' because the oil wells
Fairly soon might run dry
Two years later and Iraq's in rubble
And two thousand soldiers had to die, that's right
For Bush and endless oil appetite, that's right

Buyin' fewer battle wagons, but we're traveling more
As the price of gas is 3 and might soon hit 4.
Dumpin' SUVs: a sign that good.
Makes it much more pleasant on the roads and highways; in the neighborhoods.

CHORUS and fade

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.0
How Funny: 3.5
Overall Rating: 3.5

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   1
 4   0
 5   1

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