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Song Parodies -> "Can't Go and Dial It"

Original Song Title:

"Manos al Aire"

Original Performer:

Nelly Furtado

Parody Song Title:

"Can't Go and Dial It"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

All I wanted was some pizza...why must the universe conspire to deny me that possibility?
Dude, how can this have gone wrong? It's just a simple call
For pizza, that is all
So, it shouldn't be that hard but it's become such a farce
It's a failure to recall
Two, was it seven that came next? Can't remember all the numbers there within
Was it eight digits or six? Where'd I put the stupid flyer for this?
Don't know, this blows

My stomach won't stop growlin' out in pain
Need food, I can't go, can't go and dial it
Oh no, it can't have been misplaced
It's use is constant, 'cause I can't cook for shit

True, this issue is all my fault, if I love this that much
Why not save as contact?
So since I skimped out on that step, I can't search for the shop
The name of which, I've blanked, ha-ah-ah-ah
Oy, order from 'em weekly 'cause they're the best balance of cheap, good and fast, yes
So how can I have forgot what the hell they're called?
I'm blown away, good grief

I want some hot noms inside of my face
Right now, I can't go, can't go and dial it
Oh no, not burned in my brain
And that's a problem, what in the hell is it? Lame
My fridge has jack-all inside, huge blank space
Need food, I can't go, can't go and dial it
Oh no, why did my roommate
Clean my fridge door of all the fast food pamphlets?

So now I'm in the shit

The lyrics sheet I had gave one more chorus repetition than the actual song. Had that actually existed, the singer would've explained that it's too late in the day to make a reservation at a sit-in restaurant. They may be desperate for food, but not show-up-10-minutes-before-closing desperate, that's just rude.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 14

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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