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Song Parodies -> "Socialism"

Original Song Title:

"Kansas City"

Original Performer:

Wilbert Harrison

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:

Malcolm Higgins

The Lyrics

we're going to socialism
socialism with this bum
we're goin for socialism,
socialism with this bum
they got odumba as their leader and they're
all looking dumb

we'll all be standing on the corner
for sure, not if and when
we'll all be trying to stay warmer
the heat is off again
it's the socialism baby
it's the death for freedom, then..

well I can't take a train
no cash for a plane we'll all have to walk
it's socialistic pain
we're goin to socialism
socialism here it comes
they got odumba as their leader and
he's gonna spread it here he comes

now if we get more odumba
I know we're gonna die
it's not if or when or maybe
and he's the reason why
we're goin to socialism
socialism here we come
they got odumba as their leader and they're
really dumb
they got odumba as their leader and they're
really dumb
they got odumba as their leader and they're
really dumb

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.1
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 8

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   1
 3   0
 4   0
 5   6

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Patrick - April 20, 2009 - Report this comment
Appreciate the update to a local favorite. Today (April 20) the police are supposed to be out in force looking for pot smokers. They'll be setting up road blocks all over the metro. I never knew April 20 was pot smoking day until I heard it on the morning news. I've always known it as Adolf Hitler's birthday. Maybe that's what all the checkpoints are really celebrating. Good song!
Mark Scotti - April 20, 2009 - Report this comment
Hope that day never comes...
knock it off - April 20, 2009 - Report this comment
You gone too far, boy. "Odumba" is a very childish thing to refer to the president as. We're sick of this crap. I like your non-political stuff way better. Have a nice day with some 1's
McKludge - April 20, 2009 - Report this comment
I'm beginning to wonder if you and most of the GOP really knows what the word "Socialism" means.

If recommending that the government "bail out" the banking industry is socialism, then the Bush administration was just as socialist as Obama's.
Michael Pacholek - April 22, 2009 - Report this comment
Not only are Patrick and McKludge (and, to an extent, Mr. Knock) right, but this parody wasn't even all that well-paced. The thing is, Malcolm, you used to be praised for your wit and humor. We hardly ever see that side of you anymore. And you're making it worse. I realize that, at this point, quoting Karl Marx would be problematic, but in this case he was right: "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce." The loss of the witty Higgins is a tragedy; the compounding of it with parodying a clearly brilliant President with "Odumba" parodies is farce. The farce is strong in you, but you are on the Dark Side.
Tommy Turtle - April 22, 2009 - Report this comment
It's been coming since FDR.

McKludge, no argument, but this Pres never disavowed his attendance at socialist meetings in his younger days and openly announced the "Share the Wealth" agendum (whose weatlh? Created by whom? And why share?). The trend has been there for the past 75 years regardless of who's in power, but it does look like Obama is trying to accelerate it.

btw, I'm not "GOP", and I wonder if the Democrats, Republicans, or anyone else besides the LP know what "capitalism" really means. They certainly don't believe in it, judging by their actions.
McKludge - April 22, 2009 - Report this comment
Well, the whole point of taxes is to share wealth, albeit indirectly. Sure, I'm not actually receiving income from other peoples taxes, but I am getting the benefits of roads, police, fire protection, military defense/offense, schools, sanitation, etc, all paid for by other people's wealth. I have no problem contributing my share, and I do not feel I am being taxed too much. Granted, Florida has no state income tax.

Somewhere in between state ownership of all means of production (which USSR proved is not sustainable) and laizzez-faire capitalism (which the current banking crisis proves is almost as bad) lies the answer.

And I'm sorry, but don't get me started on Libertarianism.
John Jenkins - April 23, 2009 - Report this comment
I agree with McKludge's assessment of the socialist mistakes of the Bush administration, but his conclusion about laissez-faire capitalism is off the mark. A very large part of the problems of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae was caused by government policies, primarily the Community Reinvestment Act, that got out of control, not by laissez-faire capitalism.
Tommy Turtle - April 26, 2009 - Report this comment
What John Jenkins said, and add that *all* of the problems have been due to gov interference, dating from the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 (which led to the Great Depression) and the removal of the gold standard, started by FDR (Dem) and completed by Nixon (Rep). We haven't had L-F capitalism *ever*, but approached it in the late 1700s-early 1800s. Then the gov started getting involved in the railroad business....

McKludge: "Well, the whole point of taxes is to share wealth, albeit indirectly." Yep. That's why taxation is inherently evil and should be minimized and focused on those receiving the benefits. E. g., I don't mind paying gasoline taxes that are used to build/maintain roads for me, but I object if they're used for any other purpose, including "mass transit". Sanitation can be provided by private companies, and is, in my community. So can schooling. So is fire, in a city in Arizona. Our local and national defense (police and military), and the courts to uphold your rights, are the only legitimate uses of money taken from you by force. Glad you feel your present burden is fair; you're welcome to continue paying it. Obama has expressed his intent to increase the Robbing Hood effect, to steal from those who earned it or acquired it legitimately and give it to those who didn't.

And no, you don't have to tell me your opinion of LIbertarianism; in fact, please don't.:-) Cheers!

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