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Song Parodies -> "Final Fantasy VIII is Cool For Cats"

Original Song Title:

"Cool For Cats"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Final Fantasy VIII is Cool For Cats"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

My second attempt at making a Final Fantasy VIII parody. Daft as it is, I think this makes more sense than the actual song.
Dollet's under siege,
From invading Galbadian force,
Their army's getting beaten,
So they send out for SeeDs of course.
The team move to the tower,
After beating soldiers on the street,
And Seifer delays Selphie's message,
That they've been ordered to retreat.
Elvoret puts up a painless fight,
But Black Widow's trickier to defeat.
It chases them to the shore,
Because they avoid combat,
Then Quistis ends it with a Gatling gun,
Which is very cool for cats.

While Squall's in the torture room,
And the girls are in the cell,
They need to get their weapons back,
So they put their trust in Zell.
He battles a pair of guards,
With a Moomba at his side,
Then they all take on the Lieutenant,
And cut back some more of his pride.
A bit of stair work and they retrieve Squall,
And then use the lift to get outside.
But the exit's jammed with sand,
And Zell's been knocked flat,
So Irvine comes in toting his gun,
And acts like he's cool for cats, he's cool for cats.

After being blasted through a tube,
And into outer space,
Squall seeks help from Ellone,
In the Lunar Base.
But when Adel possesses Rinoa,
That's when things start to go awry,
As if planned, the seal is lifted,
And then comes the Lunar Cry.
Squall goes out to save his girl,
Because he can't stand to see her die.
Ragnarok is infested with Propagators,
They swarm and breed like gnats,
But our heroes beat them and seize the ship,
Because they're cool for cats, they're cool for cats.

The game's story doesn't pass its precursor,
But overthrows it on form,
And since it's Final Fantasy,
It took the world by storm.
The series is something smart,
If it's still going strong at number eight,
The language is different on each version,
Because of the need to translate.
But whichever one you play,
You will agree it's great.
Six millions copies and counting,
Have been sold; that is a fact,
And that's because Final Fantasy VIII,
Is cool for cats, it's cool for cats.
This isn't my website, but here's the link to my Final Fantasy fanfics

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