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Song Parodies -> "Grenade"

Original Song Title:

"The Shade"

Original Performer:

Rex Orange County

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Fire in the hole...?
Wait, hang on

Something 'bout this isn't right, maybe it's on me, could be true
Never been the type of guy to have this info in my brain
But something's rolled in on the floor and so now I'm forced to ask you
Since you're the army guy and all: is the pin still in that grenade?

'Cause I don't know what that's s'pposed to look like
Can't be up to me to tell, up to me to tell
So look up from that book and use your eyes (will it blow?)
Don't know much about bombs 'cause that's your line
Will we soon be blown to hell, all the way to hell (would blow)?
That'd suck, don't want plans to go bye-bye (that would blow)

Really hope this ain't some prank based on how I'd be too confused
Since these are my fav'rite pants and the time to clean them, I'd say
Would be enough to crack my door and loot ev'rything in my room
Since you're not breaking down the walls: is the pin still in that grenade?

Because I've only seen cartoon designs
With those, it's a cinch to tell, pretty easy tell
When the coyote's messed it up this time (what a dope)
Other technology's changed over time
So we might be screwed as hell, all the way to hell (would blow)
Since you've not moved, does that mean it's all fine (it won't blow)?

Will we both be blown to hell, all the way to hell?
That would blow
Or is that an empty shell, just an empty shell? Bro
Would still blow

The line in the last chorus was originally "IF the coyote's messed it up this time" but during submission I realised that, well, it's never "if", is it?

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 14

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   14

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