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Song Parodies -> "Bed Head (What A Total Mess)"

Original Song Title:

"Death Bed (Coffee For Your Head)"

Original Performer:

Powfu ft. Beabadoobee

Parody Song Title:

"Bed Head (What A Total Mess)"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Unless you live in an actual fictional world, no-one wakes up looking their best. Though I guess you could if your fictional world was a comedy, I suppose. Enough snark deconstruction, onto the actual parody type thing!
Always the same, I wake up, look at my head
Can't sugar-coat it, what a total mess
Will take a while to fix up my bed head (yeah), oh my

Ev'ry time I fall asleep, shuttin' down to hit the hay
I know that I'll look real stupid by the time the mornin' rays
Pierce their way through the small crack in my imperfect corner curtains
I've tried my friggin' best but there's always a hole lurkin'
Point is that when that light's peakin' through, I mumble to myself
"What shape will my hair be in now?" One way to tell, that's:
Get up and lug my ass to the bathroom 'cause
I don't have a mirror with me in this room, just how it comes, right
Other house designs might be in that one way diff'rent
But for now, it's more distance before I discover shit
About what kind of mop have I now got up there restin'
And thus how much time will it take for the fixin'

It's such a pain to wake up and have a head
That looks a pigsty, what a total mess
I'll be here a while combin' my bed head (yeah), oh my (ayy)
Now I'm awake from the shock at my own head
Wait for my breakfast, what a total mess
Priority's on groomin' (ayy) my bed head (yeah), oh my

The sweat from last night's stayed with me, now it's some kinda syrup
Parts of my hair are clumpin' and the rest has sorta frizzed up
Drool collects on my pillow, some of it's dried and hard
Torn some holes just gettin' up, least they weren't in my face parts (ooh)
Electricity hasn't gone through me
Might look like it since my beard looks like a shit Christmas tree
Still, it could be worse, though my eyes may look gooey
I'm not one who goes to sleep with makeup stuck to me

Would be a pain to wake up and have my head
Smeared with mascara, what a total mess
Wastin' my mornin' cleanin' my bed head, oh my
But that's a day that won't come for now, my head
Is only sweaty, what a total mess
Still spend my mornin' scrapin' my bed head
Wake ev'ry day like a slob, no perfect head
Caked in saliva, what a total mess
Might have to start up hosin' my bed head, oh my
Wish I could stay less messed up, keep a nice head
I'm sick of sayin' "What a total mess"
And then wastin' time fixin' my bed head, oh my
I hope one day I'll wake up with a clean head
But right now, it sucks, what a total mess
Give me some time to clean up my bed head

This was originally gonna be called "death list (bodies drenched in red)" but by the time I got to it, I forgot what that title was supposed to mean. The perils of coming up with every parody title in a batch at the same time, I guess. Also my Mum's going into hospital today for knee replacement surgery, don't wanna jinx things. Already did that last time (she had to come home because of a too-low blood thing and I had to be wearing my "Not Today" Snorlax socks that day), not gonna risk it again!

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 14

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   14

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