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Song Parodies -> "Allawi"

Original Song Title:

"Alley Oop"

Original Performer:

Hollywood Argyles

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:

John A. Barry

The Lyrics

First, thanks to Steve Kalafut, whose fine parody of "Alley Oop," "Aleut" (9/25), gave me the idea for this. Second if you don't buy the idea that interim Iraqi prime minister Ilyad Allawi—a man with a checkered past, to say the least, who recently addressed Congress to tell them how well things are going in Iraq—is essentially a U.S. puppet, then you most likely won't buy this parody.
There's a man who's a paper leader, we now know
They brought him for a dog-and-pony show
He went up to Congress and gave a speech.
This fat man's name is Allawi

He was blowin' smoke up their asses about the war
He's a knuckleheaded rubber stamp; he's Dubya's whore

He's a big ugly chub, and he ain't got much hair
And he's baldly lyin' 'bout things over there.

He's a suck-up man; he's talkin' jive
The truth, he's been told to hide
Not a thing 'bout this bungled drive.
This man's a craven 'ho'.

He lies 'bout the bungled job, wearin' Armani
He seeks aid from the Euros, Rome and Paris, e.g.
("Allawi, non, non, non, non!")

He's fat and thuggish. . .charade abettor
But he can keen rote excuses while his pants get wetter.

He's a suck-up man; he's talkin' jive
The truth, he's been told to hide
Not a thing 'bout this bungled drive.
This man's a craven 'ho'.

There he goes—watch that craven man go.
He moved his lips, didn't he?
Lies when flappin' 'em.
Weighs too much.
Diet, fatty, diet.
Does the dinar soar?
Slides badly, slides.
Like, 'lypseville.

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Pacing: 4.0
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 4

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

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