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Song Parodies -> "Sane an’ Crazy"

Original Song Title:

"Santa Baby"

Original Performer:

Eartha Kitt

Parody Song Title:

"Sane an’ Crazy"

Parody Written by:

John A. Barry

The Lyrics

Sane an’ crazy—that state constitutes a dichotomy,
like a good and bad world.
Sane an’ crazy can cause some worry and cause some slight.

Sane an’ crazy can mean your personality’s split in two,
as if your brain’s been sheared.
Sane an’ crazy can be a contradictory plight.

Personality is split—
that is the fission-schism nature of it:
You could be bad; you could be good.
You could care, or not give a whit.

Sane an’ crazy—
easy it’s not; you can run cold or run hot…
brawl or bawl lotsa tears.
Sane an’ crazy—sometimes you see darkness, sometimes light.

It ain’t funny when you sing hymns, then mouth a screed…
concurrently needle and whine.
Sane an’ crazy—you could be bitchy or not uptight.

It ain’t groovy when on your anger there isn’t a check;
but later, you’re just fine.
At a movie, sometimes you barrel in, cut the line.

First you trim the Christmas tree,
but then you torch it and you exult with glee.
I do believe: of you there’s two…
believe you were cleaved natally.

Sane an’ crazy—you can be a mensch AND a devil king…
Saint Pete or Old Nick on the throne.
Sainted daily, but you’re a lot like Satan at night.

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