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Song Parodies -> "Reversing Beeps"

Original Song Title:

"Inertia Creeps"

Original Performer:

Massive Attack

Parody Song Title:

"Reversing Beeps"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Sometimes things happen on the road you don't see coming. This is why particularly dangerous things, like gigantic trucks, are designed to make sure you sure as hell notice...
Lots of goods I'm haulin', gonna take some trips
My truck takes up some space, so get a clue and git
Standin' right behind me, stayin' in that place
And I'm sure you're not built to take on me
Don't look like you're delirious, that's real clear
Because you whine that I nearly
Hit you but you must have noticed this scene

Movin' back slowly, reversin' beeps
Been movin' back slowly, slowly
Movin' back slowly, reversin' beeps
Movin' back slowly, you dunce
Movin' back slowly, you dunce
Movin' back slowly, reversin' beeps
Movin' back slowly, you dunce
Movin' back slowly, you dunce
Movin' back slowly

Can't not know that I was veerin'
Closer to you, can see you're hearin'
What I'm sayin', tells are appearin'
So there's no point in sneering
That I'm the douche here, bullshit
In the road of what I'm doin', prick
Move, you asshole
My route's been severed

Movin' back slowly, reversin' beeps
Movin' back slowly, reversin' beeps
Movin' back slowly, reversin' beeps
Movin' back slowly, you dunce
Movin' back slowly
Movin' back slowly, you dunce
Movin' back slowly, reversin' beeps
Movin' back slowly
You dunce

The constant sound that's emergin' out
Even if blind, you can't miss that, dude
And I think that I know the whole truth
'Cause what's in the road ain't just you
Right next to you there, I'm appalled
Car's parked like balls, not in the line at all
Think that you own the whole damn road
Like you could take me
In your small-ass Porsche
Verse Optimus Prime

You dunce, you dunce

Want to park on you, you dunce
I can't park on you, you dunce
Hate you

Can't believe that your brain
Can't see that all of the blame
Is all on you, you dick
I can't move things along
Until you move along
Heard reversin' beeps
Reversin' beeps, you big dunce
You big dunce
You big dunce
You big dunce
You big dunce

Remember: having a fancy car does not let you park in the loading zone. Jackass.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.9
How Funny: 4.9
Overall Rating: 4.9

Total Votes: 27

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   26

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