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Song Parodies -> "Ghouls: A Warning"

Original Song Title:

"Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"

Original Performer:

Cyndi Lauper

Parody Song Title:

"Ghouls: A Warning"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

This was a tough one because she keeps repeating herself over and over and over and over again....
They munch bones with their undead bites
They don't use Crest and their teeth are rotting and slight
We humans fear since they're all covered in blood
And ghouls, They wear tattered duds
Those ghouls are littered with crud

Some folks scream when they nibble on our eyes
The awful smell of their zombie crew is so ripe
They'll leave a smear since we're fat and can't run
Those ghouls will bite off our tu-umbs
Those ghouls are chopped in half

While we're out on a jaaaaaunt
They'll cooooome
See them lurking when they hunt
Those ghouls- They'll leave us all stu-unned

Those ghouls aren't stopped by the.. Sun (Ghouls, we've shot)
(They're such a dunce)
(Gonna grab)

Make noise and they'll have our guts swirl
In fright when they sway and they'll make our hair curl
They're stronger than a Hun when snacking on nuns
Fought ghouls and they've always won
Those ghouls will gnaw our calves

Bit faces like croissaaaaaants
Those buuuuuuns
Watch them jerking when they run
Those ghouls- Have brains that are du-umb

Those ghouls are soaked with pond... Scum (Ghouls, Don't taunt)
(Nerves are all numb)
(Smashed your raft)

Might be gaunt and they'll cause drama (Ghouls)
When they haunt ya, You'll be gonnas (Ghouls will gulp down your blood)

Ghouls come out of the sludge
(Not savant but they cause trauma)
So go flaunt your sharp katana (Ghouls)
Gulped your aunt and smashed your Honda (Ghouls have turned her to fudge)
Ghouls are freaks you can't trust

Blood starts squirtin'
They'll start burping up your rump
Oh, They're not flirtin' they'll just chomp
Those ghouls
Ghouls smell worse than the dump, So nasty. Yuck! Yuck!

In their coffins were once rottin' (Ghouls)
They're so toxic and moronic (Ghouls will swarm by the ton)
Those ghouls
Ghouls reek worse than a skunk
Their blood clotted, They're unwanted
They're obnoxious and psychotic (Ghouls)
Won't drink vodka or that water
Ghouls aren't smart they would flunk
Ghouls have such a bad funk

Such a burden
Won't touch bourbon they're not drunk
But they'll keep swerving though the mud
Those ghouls (Ghouls won't be your best buds)

Yuck! Yuck!

They aren't stopping though we're chopping
They aren't dropping, Won't start flopping
Ghouls won't look like a stud

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 4

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   4

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