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Song Parodies -> "Just Kiddin'"

Original Song Title:

"Top Billin'"

Original Performer:

Audio Two

Parody Song Title:

"Just Kiddin'"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

C'mon, bro, it was just a prank! Why am I in handcuffs?
Cut it out

You've crossed the line, dude, I've had my fill
Of the same excuse you pull out to deflect guilt
It's pure bollocks, plain to see
Shut your yap, 'cause I need
You to clean up the mess for real
Not claim sick days 'cause you feel
Too confused at why I'm harsh
"All that I did was paint your car!
Just a joke, little prank
Should've known you'd be a crank
This is sad, I'd hoped you'd find
Time for laughin'" Dude, stop whinin'

Sweat is spillin', tears are spillin'
All that you can say: "Just kiddin'!"
No, you're a dick, understood?
No? I doubt you would

Since you love weaselin' really hard
And pullin' out the "calm down" card
Your damn stunt got a lot of folks hurt
I'm not bein' a stuffed shirt
I'm not grumpy, grumpy I'm not
Joke's just not funny unless you're a clot
Your painted dicks caused many skids
Did all your work in traffic, you dimwit
Jail is where you belong
Good intentions? That's where you're wrong

Tears are spillin', oil is spillin'
All that you can say: "Just kiddin'!"
You're just a dick, understood?
No? I doubt that you would

Want to smack your ass, your ass I'll smack
The next time that you make a car pile-up, jack
You're pretty young but you drive
Old enough to know I'm right
"It's just a joke, dude!" A stupid-ass joke
And no-one's laughin', wonder why that's so?

Oil is spillin', blood is spillin'
All that you can say: "Just kiddin'!"
No, you're a dick, understood?
No? I doubt that you would

Don't you try to lie and declare
That it's my fault for not laughin' there
I'm not as stupid as you, man
That confuses you? Well, too bad (you see)
You see, I can see the state
Of the mess that you left upon the highway
Messed around, 'round a lot
Gettin' your jollies by drawin' dongs
Easily I can see
You think consequences shouldn't be
"It's just fun, so lay off"
And I will, try a new job

Blood is spillin', sweat is spillin'
All that you can say: "Just kiddin'!"
No, you're a dick, understood?
No? I doubt that you would

Hey, you! Don't do that, can YouTube
I'm not "The Man" who you'll diss for views
Your prank was awful, lawful? Not
And in jail, can't film at all

"It was just a prank" is a step above "it was a social experiment" on the excuses scale...both are still way below "an actual excuse", though.

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Pacing: 3.0
How Funny: 3.0
Overall Rating: 3.0

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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