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Song Parodies -> "Iraq; Not Involved In 9/11..."

Original Song Title:

"If You Wanna Get To Heaven"

Original Performer:

The Ozark Mountain Daredevils

Parody Song Title:

"Iraq; Not Involved In 9/11..."

Parody Written by:

Paul Robinson

The Lyrics

I was a little surprised (but not much) that this fine OS had never been used on the site before...well, now it has...It's really a catchy, rockin' song, too...
[Instrumental intro]

Hussein; Yes, he murdered people
and we knew he was no good
He was not in "nine-eleven"
yeah, that should be understood
That was just a bunch of bullsh*t
that our President did tell
Hussein; not in "nine-eleven"
But Iraq is now a Hell

It was a case of gross deceit
Because he had a War to "sell"
From the moment I first heard
Something fishy I did smell
Yeah, our President deceived us
countless lies George Bush did tell
In response to "nine-eleven"
He's turned Iraq into Hell

[Instrumental break]

What he did was more than sleazy
It is much more like a crime
It's brought death to innocent people
for no reason and no rhyme
Now the Shia and the Sunni
kill each other; that's a shame
not involved in "nine-eleven"
Paying for it just the same

[Instrumental jam]

{Not involved in "Nine-Eleven"}
{None of them in "Nine-Eleven"}
{They did not cause any deaths then}
{Look what George Bush has done to them}

[short instrumental to abrupt end]

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 5

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 1   0
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 5   5

User Comments

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Steve K. - May 30, 2006 - Report this comment
True, but Bush has NEVER claimed that Iraq was behind 9/11, only that there were some connections between Iraq and Al Qaeda, such as Al Qaeda being allowed to use training camps in Iraq, such as Salman Pak, which just happened to include (drum roll, please) an airplane fuselage. And if you think that Bush turned Iraq into Hell, you've ignored the Hell that it already was under Saddam Insane.
Paul Robinson - May 30, 2006 - Report this comment
Steve K - You know, the form here is rather a short statement. If I want to write a detailed analysis of the Bush Administration handling of the Iraq situation I believe I could. I would not post that on this site, however. I CAN tell you It would NOT come to a positive conclusion. If you have a different perspective, well...what can I say...other than I think you are either fooling yourself or perhaps just a fool. Now, to your point about the "Training Camps" you're maintaining those POSSIBLE connections would be an adequate foundation upon which to execute a full-fledged, unprovoked Military attack upon a sovereign, if corrupt and mis-ruled nation? OK...then better start ramping up the Armed Forces for several (or more) of same. Suffice to say, I'm not impressed with your point. The situation in Iraq is continuing to deteriorate day-by-day. The loss of life, particularly Iraqi life, is a constant and sickening tragedy. Life over there has been reduced to a crapshoot for everyone there...our Armed Forces - their wake up in the morning not knowing if you will be alive and the end of the day. OK...that's more than I wanted to type out here...but your "point" really begged a response. I don't care to continue the discussion however...I don't think you have a clear grasp of...much of anything, sir.
Robert J. Pagliaro - May 30, 2006 - Report this comment
Paul - it's nice to know that there are a few of us who have been against the unjust war from the start. I can see where Steve K's confusion lies (no pun intended) - how many different excuses has this corrupt administration given for unjustly invading another country? For the Bush lovers, the first question after 9/11 remains unanswered - where is Osama? bob
Paul Robinson - May 30, 2006 - Report this comment
Robert, well...yeah...but it's not particularly a source of satisfaction...let's say, "Intense Frustration". I NEVER believed the supposed underpinnings this Administration used to push this War on...the World. Why? Let's call it "Past Performance"...I used to play to ponies some years back, and the most important factor in Handicapping is "Past Performance" has this horse done in the past? By my reckoning and experience it is the most useful and accurate predictor of performance...not perfect - nothing is...there are always variables, but remarkably consistent, nonetheless. Well, the Bush "Past Performance" record was pretty dismal BEFORE our invasion of Iraq in Spring could start with his "bi-partisanship" Bush that means "You do what I want and I'll let you be in the photo-op with me slapping your back". And then move on to all the Orwellian-type misrepresentations of virtually every Bush initiative that ever saw the light of say "No Child Left Behind"? What EXACTLY did that mean, anyway? Less than nothing in actuality, since there were no provisions (nor ever any intent) of backing up those words with any monetary assistance to the States who would be required to fulfill the promises of this act...that's just plain dishonest and irresponsible - I wouldn't say that except it was part of a constant and still-ongoing strategy of this bunch...everything they propose is just like a Hollywood Movie Set...a nice looking facade...with nothing behind it...phony as could be...Well, I could go on & on & on...already have, actually...enough for the old 'Bartles & Jaymes" commercial used to say, "Thanks for you Support, Bob"...
carol - May 30, 2006 - Report this comment
well done sir. 5's
Michael Pacholek - May 30, 2006 - Report this comment
In 2004, I dared the Ozark Mountains to reject this devil. They wouldn't take it. Fives for reminding us all why we were right and they were wrong.
Paul Robinson - May 30, 2006 - Report this comment
carol & MP - Thank you much.
Lionel Mertens - May 30, 2006 - Report this comment
I thought I saw Sadam in a 7/11 the other day. But that's totally unrelated. Kind of like, the Iraqi war and 9/11. Dood! I think you're on to something here. 5's bro.
Paul Robinson - May 31, 2006 - Report this comment
Lionel, Thanks! Good timing, too...just the right amount of levity for me at this particular moment...just got back from a little shopping expedition at the 99 cent store...because it was a short drive I listened to the news station on the radio instead of playing some of my parodies on the CD or listening to "regular" music...what a mistake! 54 people killed in Iraq today...about 25 from a car bomb in one place...9 people who were shopping in a local bakery, 12 people at some car dealership and a few other "single" killings it appears...depressing as hell...the whole place seems to be coming apart right now...not good for anyone....

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