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Song Parodies -> "Let 'Em Bleed"

Original Song Title:

"Let It Be"

Original Performer:

The Beatles

Parody Song Title:

"Let 'Em Bleed"

Parody Written by:

William Tong

The Lyrics

As sung by Emperor Dubya:
(instrumental intro)

When my polls are down and I'm in trouble,
Rove and Cheney counsel me:
"War preserves our freedom, let 'em bleed."
Dick Perle, the Prince of Darkness,
Now is speaking right in front of me:
"War preserves our freedom, let 'em bleed.
Let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed.
Screw Iraqi freedom, let 'em bleed."

So screw those foreign smart-mouthed people,
Marching, who all say to me:
"War is not the answer!" Let 'em bleed!
They're focus groups, retarded.
They're no good, like France, to oppose me.
War is not the answer?! Let' em bleed!
Let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed.
War is not the answer?! Let' em bleed!
Let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed.
Screw Iraqi freedom, let 'em bleed.

(instrumental break)

And when the Right is pouting:
"There is still bad light that shines on me."
We'll still win tomorrow; let 'em bleed.
I'll make up words; play war time music.
Rove and Cheney counsel me:
"Screw Iraqi freedom, let 'em bleed."
Let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed.
War is not the answer?! Let' em bleed!
Let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed, let 'em bleed.
Screw Iraqi freedom, let 'em bleed.

(instrumental ending)

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.2
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 45

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   7
 2   1
 3   2
 4   3
 5   32

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