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Song Parodies -> "Iranian Plutonium Man"

Original Song Title:

"Magneto And Titanium Man"

Original Performer:

Paul Mccartney

Parody Song Title:

"Iranian Plutonium Man"

Parody Written by:

Malcolm Higgins

The Lyrics

are they enriching plutonium or not? an iranian with a stick of dynamite.. is that a "dirty bomb"
well, Dick was talkin last night.
iranian plutonium , man
they was wonderin what to do babe,
they said,
you was involved in chicanery
and you try to build up an
atom bomb are they crazy?

Dub couldn't believe it
iranian plutonium , man
bit when the crimson jihad
finally assured them well they knew,
you was involved in chicanery
and you try to build up an
atom bomb are they crazy?

so they sent out
iranian plutonium , man
and the crimson came along for the ride

we tried finding science piece
and we asked are we on the wrong
side of the jihad?

well there it were, and to dick's despair
they enriched those rods, now they breaking the code
dubya said now the time has come,
to bomb the iranis and run,
oh no, this can't be so

and then it occurred to him, it couldn't be bad,
ayatollah was mad, titanium's true
and the things we knew they'd go
they couldn't build it no more,
they broke the law

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