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Song Parodies -> "Bad Air That You Breathe"

Original Song Title:

"The Air That I Breathe"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Bad Air That You Breathe"

Parody Written by:

John A. Barry

The Lyrics

I simply hate to think
what’s in the mass
of that ghastly gas around me.
It’s as if everything in sight is drowned
in a brown haze that confounds me.
It’s a toxic stew
that reeks of smoke from distant fires—
at least not as bad
as nasty fumes from burning tires.
It seems that there’s a new blaze every week.
I have to close the windows when I sleep…
try to minimize the bad air that I breathe.
This toxic stew
makes lungs heave with bad air that you breathe.
It can kill, too,
if lungs seethe with bad air that you breathe.
If you hike or bike, it’ll make you weak,
as into your bronchioles it’ll seep.
Try to minimize the bad air that you breathe.
Sky’s brown, not blue—
you can see the bad air that you breathe.
Look around you:
You will err if this bad air you should breathe.
Schmutz clime is found in this bad air that you breathe.
Get’s inside you
if you go outside and bad air breathe.
Go inside to
stay alive and not have to bequeath.

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