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Song Parodies -> "Scary Scary Flight"

Original Song Title:

"Vincent (Starry Starry Night)"

Original Performer:

Don McLean

Parody Song Title:

"Scary Scary Flight"

Parody Written by:

Royce Miller

The Lyrics

Scary, scary flight
In skies of Pennsylvania
Some terrorists took over a jet plane
They had an evil plan-
To turn the plane into a bomb
Kill lots of folks in Washington
But other guys on board had other plans

Now we understand
That some brave men would not yield
They forced the plane into a lonely field
So we could remain free
We must listen
We must not forget
We never must forget

Scary, scary flight
Final acts of bravery
By Americans, unselfishly,
To keep that plane from killing many more
In the morning dew
They knew just what they had to do
They took the plane into their hands
Their very able hands

Now we understand
That those brave men would not yield
They forced the plane into a lonely field
So we could remain free
We must listen
We must not forget
We never must forget

That brave men got together
Their courage was so true
And when the evil came to light
On that scary, scary flight
They gave their lives as heros often do
And we all owe those men
Our debt of gratitude

Scary scary flight
There's no amount of praise or prose
To tell the bravery of those
Who ended broken on that fertile field

Now I think we know
What they tried to say to us
And how they suffered for our liberty
And tried to keep us free
We must listen--
They are speaking still
Perhaps they always will

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Original Song: 
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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.9
How Funny: 1.3
Overall Rating: 3.9

Total Votes: 7

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   1
 3   0
 4   1
 5   4

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