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Song Parodies -> "Torture"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Billy Joel

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:

William Tong

The Lyrics

Satire about the Bush Administration's Abu Ghraib prison torture scandal, which keeps growing worse and worse - news reports now indicate systemic orders from the top sanctioned these practices in U.S. military prisions worldwide.
(instrumental intro)

We now have learned, in prison cells:
In Abu Ghraib (God knows where else):
Rumsfeld and Bush went too far, 'cause they could.
They both are scum, a disgrace.
War's made Bush the King unreal.
With loaded guns in the face: detainees must deal with torture.

(instrumental riff)

Rumsfeld and Dubya are annoyed:
The scandal they cannot avoid:
Arrogant law... stance... for the Bush crusade.
Steve Cambone and Douglas Feith; Al Gonzalez's advice;
Left death and scars in that place.
Contractors lawless - scandal - torture!

(instrumental riff)

Higher-ups, a disgraceful show.
Strike 1, strike 2; what did Bush know?
Snuffed out life; like cattle, they scream.
Abuse discreet, by Bush's team.
Torture! Torture!

Can't ask for help; Bush won't atone.
Bush gives no answers on his own.
Rush Limbaugh had some comic rationale.
Just how bizzare is his mind?
There's no doubt whom the blame is on.
Just ask where to look; it's inside of the halls of power.

(instrumental riff)

All this strife on Time Magazine; world reads it too.
It's so obscene.
Rush Limbaugh had some comic rationale.
Steve Cambone and Douglas Feith; Al Gonzalez's advice;
Left death and scars in that place.
Contractors lawless - scandal - torture!

We don't need war!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.1
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 25

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   5
 2   1
 3   0
 4   0
 5   19

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