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Song Parodies -> "My Chicken Wing"

Original Song Title:

"Let the Music Play"

Original Performer:

Barry White

Parody Song Title:

"My Chicken Wing"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

It's a rerelease with the correct title. I still don't think it's that good but try to hear the man himself singing and remember his pacing when you read through it.
(It actually helps to just leave alone all the things that Barry says before he starts to sing. They work with the parody, kind of. The first line in the parody goes along with "The first, the last...")

Those legs, those thighs, my chicken wing.
That's my second home...KFC
No not one, not two, hundreds at least,
Get a whole bundle-full, a deep-fried feast

Let's go get lotsa, lotsa Bar-B-Q
It's so great, I can get drive-thru
Don't hold back gimme more
I feel so bad for herbivores

Oh those legs, oh those thighs, my chicken wing

Fast food... I've drowned... in onion rings
Along came you... I've turned to... your wings
Your greasy that's all, you make my meals so great
So damn my cholesterol, (I) cleaned up my plate

I've seen so many ways to fry
A drumstick, a breast and a thigh
You've made me happy, I'll swallow then I-I-I'll sing
Oh those legs, those thighs, my chicken wing

Let's go get lotsa, lotsa Bar-B-Q
It's so great, I can get drive-thru
Chicken's made me happy, I'll swollow then I-I-I'll sing
Oh those legs, oh those thighs, my chicken wing

(Speaking again)
You and me chicken.
Just you...
And me.
You got those legs, those thighs, my chicken wing
His voice and his timing were what made his songs and he will be missed.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 3

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

User Comments

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Agrimorfee - April 11, 2005 - Report this comment
DKTOS, but it does capture the essence of the few Barry White tunes I've heard.
Leo Jay - April 11, 2005 - Report this comment
"I feel so bad for herbivores" almost made be spew my soup. Hilarious.

Barry is another great one gone too soon. Is "Let The Music Play" really the name of this song? I never would have known -- I thought it was "My First, My Last, My Everything". Since I rarely read parodies if I DKTOS, because of the title, I would've overlooked this had you not posted it as one of your best in that thread. Glad you did. Don't remember all of the original lyrics, so I'm not sure if you rhymed every line with the OS, but you seem to have done quite a bit. Great job.

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