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Song Parodies -> "Flashing Green"

Original Song Title:

"Dancing Queen"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Flashing Green"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Going when the light says go applies on foot as well, you know.
You can stand in that line
At least until it's the time, ooh-hoo-ooh-ooh
For you jerks to move, please
The sign is flashing green

Most pedestrians that I know
Understand all the rules, they'll go, mmm-mmm-mmm
When the little red symbol fecks off for a bit
And they walk fast, they're legit
But some people are not those guys
Huge assholes, think they have the right
To block all the foot traffic with no reason why
They're just a douche, giant ass
Right where my boot's aimed at

The sign is flashing green
Move it, please, got places to be
Flashing green
That sign means that to walk, you're free, oh yeah-eah-eah
So why stand? Don't get why
Reading your phone, you're not blind, ooh-hoo-ooh-ooh
You big jerk, just move, please
The sign is flashing green

It would simply be bad enough
To block movement, what's more messed up
Is that you pushed the button in the first place, dude
So I refuse any crap
Where you shift blame, you ass

The sign is flashing green
All agreed what the hell that means
Flashing green
Take your feet to where you should be, oh yeah-eah-eah
But you stand, don't get why
Foot traffic flows on both sides, ooh-hoo-ooh-ooh
You big jerk, trapping me
The sign is flashing green

The sign is flashing green

I know that technically it's the red sign that flashes when the timer's running out, but I say that "flashing" doesn't necessarily mean "blinking", you feel me?

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 14

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   14

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