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Song Parodies -> "Let's Forget The Constitution"

Original Song Title:

"I Can't Get No Satisfaction"

Original Performer:

The Rolling Stones

Parody Song Title:

"Let's Forget The Constitution"

Parody Written by:

William Tong

The Lyrics

Inspired by Bush's tirade against Congress and the Supreme Court for opposing his dictatorial powers and policies, and his advocacy of torture and spying on citizens without warrants. As sung by Emperor Dubya Bush:
(instrumental intro)

Let's forget the... Constitution.
Let's forget the... Constitution.
'Cause I'll spy, then deny, and then lie, about why...
Let's forget the (guitar riff)...
Let's forget the (guitar riff)...

I grabbed powers; I want more!
Though the Supreme Court says they oppose
Holding prisoners of war.
Torture brings useful information
That I can use just to scare the nation.
Let's forget the... oh, no, no... no!
That's my way! You must obey!

Let's forget the... Constitution.
Let's forget the... Constitution.
'Cause I'll spy, then deny, and then lie, about why
Let's forget the (guitar riff)...
Let's forget the (guitar riff)...

Through my spy program, I'll see
Evil plans that you won't tell me.
How right brownshirts can be!
We can torture a man, we can make him choke,
If he's deemed a "threat" to me.
Let's forget the... oh, no, no... no!
That's my way! You must obey!

Let's forget the... Constitution.
Let's forget the... Constitution.
'Cause I'll spy, then deny, and then lie, about why
Let's forget the (guitar riff)...
Let's forget the (guitar riff)...

Torture prisons 'round the world:
Pris'ners go from "this," and they're sent to "that."
Let my spyin' program unfurl,
To tell me terrorists will attack; make us look weak,
So don't prattle on; don't dare to speak!
Let's forget the... oh, no, no... no!
That's my way! You must obey!

Let's forget the... let's forget the...
Let's forget the... Constitution.
No Constitution!
No Constitution!
No Constitution!


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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.4
How Funny: 4.3
Overall Rating: 4.4

Total Votes: 21

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   3
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   18

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