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Song Parodies -> "You're So Gay"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

The Beatles

Parody Song Title:

"You're So Gay"

Parody Written by:

Tony Wiseguy

The Lyrics

I really do like gay men. As a matter of fact, the less attractive they find me, the more I like them! Isn't it funny how things work out like that.
You're so gay,
You're even happy on rainy days.
No one's wiping that smile off your face.
Oh, I can't believe that you're so gay.

You'll sleep with every man on your street.
You're no vegetarian, you eat meat.
Oh, masculinity left suddenly.

Where did your testosterone go?
I don't know, I really can't say.
Now you wear women's clothes
And complain you can't get laid.

You're so gay,
When you're in the park statues look away.
Even Casper the ghost is afraid.
Oh, I can't believe that you're so gay.

Where did your testosterone go?
I don't know, I really can't say.
Now you wear women's make-up
And complain you can't get laid.

You're so gay,
If you had super powers you'd fly away.
Oh, Captain Sunshine have a sweetheart day.
Oh, I can't believe that you're so gay.

I can't believe that you're so gay.
All my lyrics are copyrighted.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.6
How Funny: 4.2
Overall Rating: 4.2

Total Votes: 18

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   1
 4   2
 5   14

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Dylan Baranski - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
Hey, I think The Gay Voice might find this insulting, so if he complains to you about this parody, you're on your own, bub. Also, while I have practically nothing against gay people and am for gay marriage & all that, I do not like it if gay people try to touch me inappropriately or something like that. Even so, I will not insult them by calling them the word that also means a bundle of sticks.
Kristof Robertson - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
Urgh! Tony, Tony, Tony...where do I start? Read and learn, bub....

1) Gay men don't want to sleep with everyone they meet. Gay men are no more or less promiscuous than straight men.

2) Heterosexuality does not equal masculinity. All men have the same relative levels of testosterone, regardless of sexual orientation

3) A male preference for wearing women's clothes is transvestitism, not homosexuality. The two are in no way related

4)Homophobia is defined as a fear of homosexuality. So, based on what you've written here, by definition you are a homophobe. And a misinformed one at that

Have a nice day. Make sure no gay men touch you...I hear it's contagious....
Leo Jay - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
Errr, so promiscuous he "can't get laid"? Interesting. Otherwise, what Kristof said.
The Gay Voice - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
Well, you know what is really funny. .. Kristof Robertson, you said exactly what is on my mind, so thank you kindly for stepping up for us, and to Dylan to you also. . .and Leo, that's how most homophobes think, contradictory as is thinking a cross-dresser is a homosexual (when in actuality more than 80% of drag queens are straight) and thinking gay men sleep with everyone they meet (yet they are against gay marriage which would reduce sleeping around if gay men really where that permiscuous). Tony Wiseguy (wow what I could do with that last name if I were as misinformed and immature as you). I bet I'm far more masculine than you'll ever be. What do you do for living Tony? I'm masculine enough to know who I am and live with it. Sure I could sleep with whoever I want, but I don't--as Kristof said-we aren't all like that, and that is an image projected only by FICTION shows like Queer as Folk that focus on the party life (which is no different from the hetero world except that in ours it's all men or women respectively) and people like Johnny McGovern who makes comedy songs and gets a lot of money playing on the stereotypes of gay people. The thing about it is, it almost seems like in your writing, you didn't even realize you were being offensive, like you actually were trying to be funny. Disgusting
TW - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
I don't have anything against gay people. I think people should be allowed to do whatever they want so long as no one gets hurt. I actually perform at a lesbian bar on occasion. Gay men just happen to find me attractive and it creeps me out. It really is that simple. Believe me if I really wanted to be offensive I could have used the "F" word.
Immoral Liberal - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
Was this written by Linda Terhune in drag? Well let's at least give this homophobe credit for not working in the bible-thumper's speech about how homosexuality is outlawed in the bible. Tony, what are you homophobes afraid of? Do you really think that if something like gay marriage is sanctioned that people are going to wake up some morning, declare themselves gay and to out looking for a same sex partner? No, what will happen if gay marriage is instituted is that the divorce rate will probably go down.
Kristof Robertson - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
Being a homophobe (which you are, Tony...admit it) doesn't necessarily mean you hate them, just that you're scared of them (your quote "it creeps me out")...although I think secretly you're repulsed by gay men, but you want us to believe you're OK with it.

So you perform in a lesbian bar? Ahhh, lesbians...the "real man"s favourite...nothing wrong with a bit of lady love, is there? It's just the guys who need to sort themselves out...

And you'd actually be no more offensive if you DID use the F least you'd be openly bigoted
Red Ant - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
"it almost seems like ... you didn't even realize you were being offensive..."; that thought crossed my mind. Tony, I'm not going to harp on the content, but the pacing isn't very good either. Working for a moment that your parody is factually correct (which it isn't as has been pointed out above), I need to add some things to Kristof's list:

1) If all gay people eat meat, then none of them would be members of PETA, so score a giant check mark in the plus column of gay people.

2) If gay guys don't find you attractive, chances are straight women won't either.

3) From a statistical standpoint, a hetero male would have a higher chance of getting a girl if more men were gay"
Compassionate Conservative - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
What does this mean, "gay men find me attractive"? So, some gay men have found you attractive, and this means that "gay men" find you attractive? Do they all have the same taste? (In men, I mean -- but you can answer the other meaning too, if you like).
stuart mcarthur - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
hmm, I'm an admirer of some of your clever parody titles TW ("What If God Was Don Imus" etc) but gee you really deserve the flak here imo, although it seems you're just uninformed/naive. Kristof perfectly nailed the points I wanted to make - and dude, if anyone finds you attractive, the healthy reaction is to be flattered, not scared - fear comes from lack of understanding and a life of fear is no life at all
Critic - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
See how it is, Tony? The regulars on have no sense of humor whatsoever when you poke their sacred cows (or maybe, as in this case, their sacred hams).
stuart mcarthur - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
yeah, I guess you might be right anonymouse, I'll have another look - now, which was the funny line again?
McKludge - May 17, 2007 - Report this comment
Critic, there are quite a few songs about gays on this site. The problem isn't the subject matter, the problem is this one just isn't funny.
Burnbra Bush - May 18, 2007 - Report this comment
At least the regulars have the stones to use their own identities when they critique someone, 'Critic'. And if gays are one of their "sacred cows", I think TW would be mortified to hear that he'd poked one.
TW - May 18, 2007 - Report this comment
Listen, would everyone please put away the nails and cross. I'm not a homophobe. I'm not the first person to make fun of gay men and I won't be the last person. And I don't feel guilty about it. I performed this song at a club in New York and the Bartender there who happens to be gay and is my friend heard me sing it. He didn't say anything negative to me afterwards because he knows me and he knows that the song was sang in jest. So all the haters out there don't know me and can't take a joke, and I resent the fact that you're all ready to hang me over a song parody. If you have so much free time on your hands go back and look at all the negative comments I've made about other people's parodies. That's right, you'll find exactly 1. Because I believe if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything. There's another parody I've written called "Now I'm a Pervert". Is everyone going to label me a pervert then because I wrote a song parody with that word in the title? A lot of times people can write a parody and not have it reflect who they really are. I don't hate anyone and there isn't a bad bone in my body, so get over it. It's just nice to know I got all 5's under the thought provoking category!
New Yorker - May 18, 2007 - Report this comment
Ah, what club was this? I wouldn't want to waste money going to a comedy club if the acts aren't going to be funny.
Immoral Liberal - May 21, 2007 - Report this comment
Interesting - another post censored - was it because "ass" was used instead of donkey? Or was it the play on words that prompted the censoring. These right-wingers are dangerous, very dangerous. Perhaps I missed a memo, was the First Amendment amended? Sometimes the censorship on this site rivals the hypocrisy of the right wing nut jobs.
Anti-Critic - May 21, 2007 - Report this comment
Critic - speaking of poking sacred cows. That would be your guy, Neal Horsely, who has not only gotten a piece of "ass" (Censor: think donkey, stupid). Although, we understand that he doesn't discriminate when looking for meat (Censor: think food, stupid) - he's been known to take a poke (Censor: If critic can say it, so can I) at beef, pork or chicken. Apparently, he'll eat (Censor: think whatever you want here) anything. The party is over for the extreme religious right. We're going to ban guns, leaglize vibrators again in the south, institute gay marriage to scale down the divorce rate, reverse the trend at whittling away Roe v. Wade, and restore the "Pledge" to its original write and take out "under God".
Immoral Liberal - May 21, 2007 - Report this comment
Thank you anti-critic for reposting your post. It should have never been removed to begin with. However, it is the right-wing way - silence those who are not with us.
Website Editor - May 21, 2007 - Report this comment
Immoral Liberal: right now, "ass" is a censored word; this new comment system does not have all of its flaws worked out yet. I did not see the post that was removed. I see no reason the second post should be removed, and so (for now) it stays.

I'm not sure where you get the idea to equate this site or its editorial policies (which are quite different than censorship) with "right wing nut jobs", but that is a very narrow minded viewpoint in my opinion. If a post is removed, it's for a good reason.

By the way, all future comments on this parody not pertaining to it will be deleted. If you (whoever YOU are) want to continue to debate various points unrelated to this work, you can do so on the messageboard or any of the millions of political blogs out there.
Burnbra Bush - May 21, 2007 - Report this comment
TW, don't act like a child. Put away the nails and cross, suggests that we view you as a Jesus character. Or means you think of yourself as some sort of martyr -- either way your comment makes no sense. And for all the perceived persecution, you have all of two 1 votes and one 2 vote. Not so bad, whiney. And hey, if people don't like your stuff, they're entitled to say why. If anything you should appreciate that. This is not a "everyone is a great parodist" strokefest. If you put it up, be willing to take the criticism as well as the kudos. If you go around fawning over every parody you read, or not bothering to vote if comment can't stroke the person's ego, that's immature of you. It's not that people don't have a sense of humor, but wake up, people are still beaten up if not killed EVERY DAY, because of the kind of ignorance expressed in your parody. If you're going to lampoon an ignorant attitude, you have to be cleverer or more skillful about it. This just comes off like someone ignorantly mouthing 4th grade insults. Take responsibility for that and learn to write better.
Immoral Liberal - May 23, 2007 - Report this comment
Thank you for the explanation. My equating editorial policy with removing a post was most certainly not a narrow minded view as, obviously, the comment was removed for content and should not have. That means that some right-winger asked for it to be removed and it was. You might want to look into "the good reason" for removing that post - I don't believe that there was a good reason.

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