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Song Parodies -> "Dimajin"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

John Lennon

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:

Robert D. Arndt Jr.

The Lyrics

The drug compound Dimajin was discovered by the SS during WW2 as a torture substance. Partisans and spies had the drug sprayed in their eyes that were forced open and then they were forced, face-first, into a machine that projected evil, horrifying images, that re-played over-and-over-again. Headphones were placed over their ears which played constant screaming and evil sounds. This substance heightened the fear of the subjects and drove them insane, making them beg for it to stop. The SS torture documents captured in 1945 became postwar OSS/CIA property and the SS torture methods became CIA and Mossad methods. Dimajin use was stopped in the 1960s due to new pharmaceutical weapons developed for torture that were less-exotic and cost much less. The horrible machine was referred to as "Dante's Freakshow" while the Germans had called it the Totapparat (Death Device or Apparatus). Many enemy test subjects convulsed and died after being forced to view the demonic images and noise under Dimajin. Some claim that the CIA kidnapped US citizens and used it on them too! No survivors of Dimajin are known to exist- they all "vanished" mysteriously. But word leaked out and I found this in a book on 1000 Methods of Torture from the 1970s...
Dimajin, it's no heaven
Used by CIA guys
Compound hellish substance
Applied to subject eyes
Dimajin, scaring people
For death they all pray...

Dimajin, were no boundaries
CIA loved to use
Drugs and images endure
Terror comes over you
Dimajin, scaring people
Subjects often scream...

Most test subjects are screamers
Tortured, begging for a gun
The sooner their confession
The torture phase would be done

Dimajin, soul possession
Drug manipulation
The heightened fear does linger
The damage has been done
Dimajin, scaring people
Vanished from the world…

Most test subjects are screamers
Tortured, begging for a gun
The sooner their confession
The torture phase would be done

Then annihilation....

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.6
How Funny: 4.9
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 7

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   1
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 5   6

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