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Song Parodies -> "He'll Countersue"

Original Song Title:

"Runaround Sue"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"He'll Countersue"

Parody Written by:

eeL deaL

The Lyrics

Here's his story, it's rad but true
It's about a man with 4000 suits
He'll take your doe and throw it around
Helped by all lawyers in town

Yeah you should have known it from the very start
This man will leave you with an empty wallet
Now listen people what I'm telling you
Watch out now because he’ll countersue

He liked her lips and the smile on her face
Loved her blond hair, leading him to rape
In this case he got hit with a suit
Defaming her, can he countersue?

Listen up, you journalist hounds
Be careful if you put him down
Remember always to stay wise
If you cover him, don't do it with lies

Here's the moral of the story from a guy who knows
He tried to sue him to make his account grow
Ask any fool that hit Stump with a suit, they'll say
Watch out now because he’ll countersue

Yeah keep away from that dude
Suing you is what he'll do
Keep away from sueing

Listen up, you journalist hounds
Be careful if you put him down
Remember always to stay wise
If you cover him, don't do it with lies

Here's the moral of the story from a guy who knows
He tried to sue him to make his account grow
Ask any fool that hit Stump with a suit, they'll say
Watch out now because he’ll countersue

Stay away from that dude
Don't you know he'll sue you blue

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Pacing: 1.0
How Funny: 1.0
Overall Rating: 1.0

Total Votes: 249

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   247
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

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