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Song Parodies -> "George Bush, Proud American, and God"

Original Song Title:

"Abraham, Martin, and John"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"George Bush, Proud American, and God"

Parody Written by:

Christian Sally

The Lyrics

I used my spell check this time! And this should be more tuneful for you. Enjoy!
Has anybody here
Seen my pal George Bush?
Can you tell me where
He's gone?
The democrats got him
Tied up and gagged in the basement
Of the White House
We'll never hear his good ole
Texas Christian wisdom no more
Or his laugh
I love his laugh
"Heh Hee"

Has anybody here
Seen my boyfriend, Proud American?
Can you tell me where he's gone
The AmiREICH mob
Jumped him in a liberal alleyway
Snapped his flag in two
Now he's all broken up
In a hospital
He don't sing his patriot songs
No more

Has anybody here
Seen my heavenly buddy God?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
Schools banned his name
From books
Teachers won't mention his name
In their lessons
His holy words have been replaced
By a multi cultural sexual Sex Ed
Liberal curriculum
Estolling the virtues of gay, bisexual, metrosexual
and beastyal sex instead of the biblical abomition warnings

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Original Song: 
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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.5
How Funny: 3.5
Overall Rating: 3.5

Total Votes: 24

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   9
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   14

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Michael Pacholek - January 16, 2007 - Report this comment
I have seen your boy Georgie Bush. He's continuing to send more troops to Iraq, and continuing to lie about it. I haven't seen "Proud American," and I do not miss him. I haven't seen God, and neither have you. That's because we're both still alive. And when you do see God, the fact that Abraham, Martin, John, Bobby, Dion and the original song's writer, Dick Holler, would all give you 1s will not even be close to the first thing God's going to mention among the things you've gotten wrong.
Spelling Cop - January 16, 2007 - Report this comment
Orthography apparently replaced in your curriculum.
Michael E Cormier - January 16, 2007 - Report this comment
The only people going to get behind this parody are staunch Bush supporters, and there ain't that many of them left.
Kd82 - January 16, 2007 - Report this comment
I may not be a Bush supporter, but hesus. . .what a terrible parody. . .Are all Republicans like you? I was in the middle, but you are pushing me towards the Democrats, people like you truely scare me.
John Jenkins - January 16, 2007 - Report this comment
Christian Sally - your heart and mind are in the right place. Your conclusion might be a little over the top, but don't let the Amiright liberals get you down.
Christian Sally - January 16, 2007 - Report this comment
Thank you, John. We must spread the word. And if it pains people to hear it, that just means the medicine is working.
Immoral Liberal - January 17, 2007 - Report this comment
Spread the word? Who's word? If there is a God then he/she/it will send George Bush to hell. Your view of what's actually going on is very screwed up. It's always been the conservatives, evangelicals and republicans pushing their views, beliefs and ideology on the rest of the country. Liberals want citizens to be able to lead their lives the way each individual wants to. If you want to pray, then do it - but it doesn't have to be mandated in public schools and shouldn't be. Sex is a fact, god is a notion.
God - January 17, 2007 - Report this comment
UnChristian Sally - please do not use my name in connection with George W. Bush. By the way, I have never spoken to you, you have misquoted me, I believe that sex education should be taught in schools, I am a liberal and I voted for Al Gore - the guy who George Bush stole the election from. Finally, it is the conservatives who practice beastiality, not the liberals. And I'm glad that the Democrats gained control - the country and the world will now be a better place. War is evil and I don't like it.
A Lesser God - January 17, 2007 - Report this comment
First, to God: God, you should know better than to end sentences with prepositions and start them with conjunctions. Then again, it was you, not I, who thought Ebonics deserved a fair shake.

Christian Sally: "abomition", "estolling", and "beastyal"? Your spell-checker appears to be retarded. Aside from the lines lifted verbatim from the original, the pacing, or major lack thereof, ruins any chance of humor or profoundness this piece might have had.
Reality - January 17, 2007 - Report this comment
Reality Says, as long as we give Proud American, er, I mean "Christian Sally" attention-she will think in his, er, I mean her diluted mind that she is somehow saving our poor souls--that's what people like this do. Proud American, er, I mean Christian Sally does this for attention. People this obsessed with Bush (or any political entity) are usually just people with nothing better to do than waste space and time, rather than getting a hobby or making friends, they choose to try and get on as many nerves as possible. I doubt Proud American, oops, I mean "Christian Proud American", oh wait--Christian Sally is nearly as bad a speller as he/she leads us to believe, just exceedingly bored, and gets a kick out of us giving her attention--afterall negative attention is better than none at all, that's what mind we should pay her. I personally call for a boycott of commenting on Proud American, darn my fingers, Christian Sally's parodies. . .there are plenty of talented parodists on this site, and even TSB or Fitu are consistantly better than his, I mean her, work anyway. . .why bother. . .just vote and don't give her the satisfaction of a comment-he, I mean she doesn't deserve it.

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