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Song Parodies -> "Bye, Mr Tangerine Man"

Original Song Title:

"Mr Tambourine Man"

Original Performer:

Bob Dylan

Parody Song Title:

"Bye, Mr Tangerine Man"

Parody Written by:

Phil Alexander

The Lyrics

Well, it's finally coming close to the point where the biggest fraud US politics has ever seen is finally going to get the boot - seriously, if you're still thinking there was some kind of fraud in his defeat, you really need to consider where you get your information from: I will happily pay attention to any actual evidence of fraud, of course. But so far, there hasn't been *any* that could stand up in court (except possibly this).
Bye, Mr Tangerine man, time for you to leave
Time to realize the people didn't vote for you
Bye, Mr Tangerine man, time for you to leave
With your paranoid delusions, disappear from view

You said you knew the best people, so why did that entail
Them all ending up in jail
Or simply doomed to fail through inability?
Your ineptitude amazes me, I can no longer stand
To hear your voice across the land
And your bullying command full of stupidity

Bye, Mr Tangerine man, time for you to leave
You've been beaten, even though you say that isn't true
Bye, Mr Tangerine man, time for you to leave
And your dysfunctional West Wing will come following you

It's not simply a quip to say you've really lost your grip
Your sanity has slipped
It isn't just a blip
Never mentally equipped
For the job you never knew what you were doing
I'm serious, go anywhere - go off and play some golf
Keep playing with yourself
Or your disappearing wealth, that you kept pursuing

Bye, Mr Tangerine man, time for you to leave
We know Sleepy Joe can do a better job than you
Bye, Mr Tangerine man, time for you to leave
There's a prison cell awaiting, for your family too

Though you might incite some rioting in Washington DC
Which sounds treasonous to me
While still pretending that you won
You're just a guy who cannot stomach that he's losing
Losing every last vestige of sanity and class
You've descended into farce
Always talking out your arse
And your comprehension's sparse
An old man who finds all modern life confusing

Bye, Mr Tangerine man, time for you to leave
The twenty-fifth amendment's looking pretty good
Bye, Mr Tangerine man, time for you to leave
Even spineless supine senators are deserting you

Though millions of Americans caught covid, thousands died
But you never even tried
To stop it, no you didn't ask
People even to wear masks
Just suggested using bleach
Far too late to be impeached the second time around
Now go, you brainless idiot
Crawl back into your hole
With all the morons you control
Ever more senile and confused
Too dumb even for Fox News
With your petty fears and hate
And now it's time for you to pay back all you borrowed

Bye, Mr Tangerine man, time for you to leave
You're just creepy and it's prison that you're going to
Bye, Mr Tangerine man, time for you to leave
And Joe Biden, hell, man *anyone* is better than you

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Voting Results

Pacing: 1.3
How Funny: 1.3
Overall Rating: 1.3

Total Votes: 169

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   156
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

User Comments

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Break The Camera - January 12, 2021 - Report this comment
The c**t referenced in the link looks like T**** with a wig.
Michael Pacholek - January 12, 2021 - Report this comment
Knock, knock. (Who's there?) Orange. (Orange Who?) Orange you glad he's going?
Patrick - January 12, 2021 - Report this comment
What has Trump actually done? What has Congress or the courts even allowed him to do? Can you cite an example of his "racism"? "Sexism"? "Homophobia"? If people thought masks were a good idea, they did not need his example to wear them. Fauci didn't recommend them at first, for fear of the public hoarding the few available at the time. Now they have become a permanent industry that is never going away. A flawed character who could have been a spectacular president, but for the attacks directed at him and the country since the day of his inauguration. Last night I spoke with someone who has Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's a real disease that has taken over her personality and left her hateful and filled with desires for revenge and violence. She doesn't even know the man, will never meet him, but has allowed news coverage to alienate her from her family and friends. I don't know any conservatives who are going to let their disapproval of Joe Biden run their lives. The man does like trains, so maybe we'll get a few more Amtrak routes. Best to think of DC as a giant soap opera set. Moderately entertaining, in a sick sort of way. But I'd never want to go there. When Facebook and the rest "cancel" everyone, AIR may be the last free-speech forum left. I can't wait for Donald Trump to post a parody. I wonder if he'll get any comments.
CML - January 12, 2021 - Report this comment
Ive considered where I get my information from, and it comes from people that knew from the git go that the collusion thing was.a complete.hoax, and that the Hunter Biden laptop was genuine, that impeachment I was total nonsense, and that Trump had a real chance to beat Hillary, and that the polls that said Hillary would win were utter horsesh*t, and even that, months before the elections Dems would attempt to steal the election .... So where are you getting your info from?
Grudging Appreciation - January 12, 2021 - Report this comment
Patrick, CML, you guys are talented parody writers. But you're also delusional fantasyland believers. Kudos on the talent, shame! on the Kool-Aid consumption. Wake up and smell the reality, truth, facts. Seriously!
Phil Alexander - January 13, 2021 - Report this comment
Patrick - if I give you things that Trump has actually done which show just how stupid he is, will you take it on board, or just assume that I'm someone with Trump derangement syndrome?

..e.g. masks: Fauci didn't recommend them at first, because evidence of efficacy wasn't present. When it became clear that they can cause a significant reduction in the transmission of the virus, he did recommend them. THIS IS WHAT SCIENCE DOES: it changes advice based on the best evidence available.

It is painfully obvious that Trump has no understanding of this: it's all about him. He'll recommend masks if the person recommending masks says nice things about him. He is too stupid to learn things, and too arrogant to listen to people who know better (unless they praise him first). He really is the most pathetic man-baby ever to (dis)grace high office.

And as for parodies: we both know he is incapable of writing any kind of coherent parody. No word skills at all.
Claude Prez - January 13, 2021 - Report this comment
Outstanding work as always, Phil! Hard to believe the idea hasn't been done before, always good to see one fall into the right hands. Of course I don't necessarily agree with *every* word - my take on Trump has always been that it's good to have SOMEONE pushing back against the extremists taking over the left. But it's like we're in Die Hard and the terrorists are in the building and there's only one fly in the ointment that can stop them. Only we didn't get Bruce Willis - we got, like, Biff from Back To The Future. And "Yippee Kai Yay, BUTTHEAD" just doesn't work
Phil Alexander - January 13, 2021 - Report this comment
Claude *and* Michael? It's like old timers' week here at Amiright :-)

Ah, Claude... be careful what you wish for: because of Trump, the Republicans have lost the Senate, too, and the left over there is in a far better position than might have been (though, hell, if you think the Left there is "extreme"... most of 'em would still be considered "centre right" at most in any European country.)
Patrick - January 14, 2021 - Report this comment
Trump began his political career by questioning the citizenship of Barack Obama. Waste of time. He spent a lot of time on "lock her up" regarding Hillary Clinton. At best, he was the lesser of two evils. And Hillary, by far, was more evil. A substantial number of people still believe that life begins at conception, that there are only two sexes, that the nation has the right to protect its borders, that we should not intervene in other nations' wars, that we should not be spending our money in foreign countries. There is a core set of beliefs that were once accepted. Our elite in government, education and entertainment no longer accept them and are vigorously trying to suppress the "deplorables" who still hold them. Trump was the only available option. I could have wished for a much more consistent and coherent spokesman. We got what we got. The fact that he is so virulently hated by the kind of people who hate him tends to make me admire him more, if only for the fact that he had the strength to hold out and to punch back when he could. We may miss him soon. The real tragedy is not that Biden may have forged ballots to win, but that he didn't have to.
Phil Alexander - January 15, 2021 - Report this comment
>Trump began his political career by questioning the citizenship of Barack Obama. Waste of time.
More than just a "waste of time" - it was a demonstration of fundamental dishonesty, a willingness to believe or lie about stuff that was provably untrue. One might call it "Obama derangement syndrome". In any sane world, it would have been something that killed his political career stone dead rather than kicking it off. A bit of a foretaste of what was to come.

> He spent a lot of time on "lock her up" regarding Hillary Clinton. At best, he was the lesser of two evils. And Hillary, by far, was more evil.
No, she wasn't. In 2016, most of what was said about her was a lie: if she really were that evil, there wouldn't have been the need to make it up, there would have been real life examples (and the many Republican-led congressional investigations would have found *something*). But Republicans, scared of what a Hillary presidency would look like, had been lying about her for at least a decade by then. You repeat a lie for long enough, and people start to believe. Enough people to swing an election, anyway. Seriously, if Hillary was that bad, Trump has been in charge for four years and in that time installed innumerable federal judges - you'd think someone might have brought charges. But no, they (Trump included) knew damn well nothing would stand up in court. Because it was nearly all made-up rubbish.

> A substantial number of people still believe that life begins at conception, that there are only two sexes,
..and they think they have the right to force this belief on everybody else, making America the land of the "Free to do and be what I believe"

> that the nation has the right to protect its borders,
..nobody is disputing that any nation has that right. The definition of what "protect its borders" means has shifted over the years, but it's not now going back to some halcyon era that never existed

>that we should not intervene in other nations' wars, that we should not be spending our money in foreign countries. There is a core set of beliefs that were once accepted.
No, it isn't, or rather wasn't "once accepted": the US has been intervening in other nations' wars (or starting them) since it was strong enough to do so: why do you spend nearly as much on your military as the rest of the world put together? Spending ones money in other countries is something rich countries do to make themselves feel better but mainly to gain influence. It has always been a factor in countries' foreign policy self-interest, even the not-so-rich ones.

>Our elite in government, education and entertainment no longer accept them and are vigorously trying to suppress the "deplorables" who still hold them. Trump was the only available option. I could have wished for a much more consistent and coherent spokesman. We got what we got.
I get it, you didn't like the choice from the status quo, and wanted something different. I can understand that, but if a conman whose only interest is self-interest and whose attitude to the truth is that it is whatever he says it is, if that kind of person is "the only available option", something is very, very wrong

>The fact that he is so virulently hated by the kind of people who hate him tends to make me admire him more, if only for the fact that he had the strength to hold out and to punch back when he could.
This is where I think your underlying reasoning is fundamentally flawed: somebody being hated by people you don't like does not of itself make them worthy of admiration. After all, these same people would similarly not like Charles Manson, Jack the Ripper and Hitler - you wouldn't want them to be President, would you? Trump has been thin-skinned and unbelievably petty - he was President of the United States, FFS, and punched even when there wasn't any "back" - a bully who couldn't take the sort of comments he doled out on a regular basis

>We may miss him soon. The real tragedy is not that Biden may have forged ballots to win, but that he didn't have to.
Trump has made the US an international laughing stock (a bit like his "Britain Trump" Boris Johnson over here is trying his hardest to do to the UK). He has never understood the job he was supposed to be doing, and was far too stupid and arrogant to realize. He has had a complete disregard for any kind of honesty or decency - for me the tragedy was that anybody at all voted for him this time around, let alone more people than voted for any other presidential candidate except the one he was running against. It's only his ego that can't take being beaten that means he has to hang on desperately to the thought that some ballot-rigging was involved. He should grow up.
Melanie Lee - January 17, 2021 - Report this comment
Wow, has it really been a year since I posted any parodies here--especially during the year of COVID? Anyway, I see that the 1-bombers are still 1-bombing and that the political debates go on. I'm too tired to debate at the moment. 555 from me.
libby - January 18, 2021 - Report this comment
Gotta give you some credit Ptrick for posting the most intelligent and reasoned pro-Trump statement I have read in the past five years.
SPANK THAT DONNIE DOUCHEBAG! - January 18, 2021 - Report this comment
Glad to see that TRAITOR go! He really doesn't deserve to live another day, he's a Caligula.
Rick Duncan - February 10, 2021 - Report this comment
Hi Phil, Claude, Michael...nice to see a bit of the gang. Great new one,
John Dacey - February 10, 2021 - Report this comment
Missed this when first posted. Nice job with what I found from experience is a deceptively hard internal rhyme scheme. Full marks.
Johnny D - January 03, 2023 - Report this comment
Well done, philbo.

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