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Song Parodies -> "Memes Sell"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Memes Sell"

Parody Written by:

John A. Barry

The Lyrics

Memes sell so well—
bogus words and images that smell, yet compel.
Memes sell so well—
des messages et mots qui sont mensonges,
qui sont mensonges.

They’re junk food, net junk food, just junk food,
so why attention-pay?
We all should stay away
Why some give any credence, I cannot understand.

Memes sell too well—
des images et mots qui sont mensonges,
ils sont mensonges.

A screed crew, a screech crew, a leech crew
spawns much of what we see;
some forward endlessly/mindlessly.
Best to eschew digital doo that’s dropped be these teams.
Just junk food.

They’ll haunt you, they’ll haunt you, they’ll haunt you—
most should be disavowed…
spawned by a dismal crowd.
Attention to them, do not do, most are underhand.

Meme hell ain’t swell—
photos faux et mots qui sont mensonges,
seulement mensonges.

Disinformation, phony words, photos—much junk to withstand.
Yet memes sell.

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