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Song Parodies -> "Ego of the Driver"

Original Song Title:

"Nico and the Niners"

Original Performer:

Twenty One Pilots

Parody Song Title:

"Ego of the Driver"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

As someone who took forever to learn how to drive because I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep track of everything, few things piss me off more than people who deliberately flout rules specifically put in place to save lives.
This guy sucks, he thinks he's the one person on the road
This guy sucks, the right of way is his and his alone
This guy sucks, think of a law of traffic, he'll ignore that
"Laws are made for poor folks", that's a direct quote, this guy sucks
Doesn't care if the light's red
Or where the lane line's painted
He's goin' full speed now ahead
Revs the engine so loud, huge prick

So petty, his empathy's on empty
You'll find he won't drive slower near accidents unsteady, oh-oh-oh
Just zooms by with his music turned so high
There's only one thing higher, the ego of the driver, whoa-oh-oh

This guy sucks, man, even when he's stopped, he's still a chode
This guy sucks, parked across three handicap spots, no joke
This guy sucks, saw that bit on the Simpsons and he thought that
Would work for his own ass, missed the whole damn joke

"So petty to call the cops" he says, geez
Least twice a day, not lower, he's just so goddamn picky, oh-oh-oh
'Bout what crimes count for him and what won't fly
With all of it, I'm tired, the ego of the driver, whoa-oh-oh

So petty, temper's so unsteady
Learn the law? No-hoper, scratch the car? So pissy, oh-oh, oh
He drains my hope for kind folks, my god, so shite
Tired, ego of the driver

Hard to say why he's bein' such a butt, affluenza could be all greasy jerks need or
His family are real holes payin' "forget this" money, could feed how he sees all us as peons
Por qué no los dos? Point is: this asshole is just not deservin'
Of a sob story, of that, I'm certain, a prick is just not worth wonderin' 'bout, no, no
A dick is just not worth wond'rin' about, no, no
I wish he'd end up inside a ditch now

This guy sucks, one day, he's gonna run out of Lambos
This guy sucks, finite supply of sports cars, least I hope
This guy sucks, can't picture him inside a damn microvan
Don't have much car knowledge but what I do know: this guy sucks

Asshole guy, no lie
Tired, ego of the driver
Asshole guy, no lie, a total douchebag
Tired, ego of the driver

I'm not really entrenched in TOP lore so I have no idea what the hell this song is about but hot damn do I love it.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 27

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   27

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