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Song Parodies -> "Elders"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Porter Robinson & Madeon

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Man, those fancy-ass wizard high up on their trees with their ancient magics and mild xenophobia. What do they know?
Stay, I will stay, stay, I will, ah, hum, uh
Stay, I will stay here no longer, no longer, no longer, no longer
Stay, I will stay here, stay, I will, ah, hum, uh
Stay, I will stay here no longer, no longer, no longer, no longer
Stay, I will stay here, stay, I will, ah, hum, uh
Stay, I will stay here no longer, no longer, no longer, no longer
Stay, I will stay here, stay, I will, ah, hum, uh
Stay, I will stay here no longer, no longer, no longer, no longer

Gonna be a litttle bit weird to tell you
'Cause the powers in their palms (stay)
To straight up implode my home and then turn me
Into a tiny little frog
Mmm, but I must be honest, no fronts from me
Don't like the elders, all they've done for me
Is to threaten and impose all their stupid rules on us
I want them gone

Mmm, stay, I will stay here, stay, I will, ah, hum, uh
Stay, I will stay here no longer, no longer, no longer, no longer
Stay, I will stay here, stay, I will, ah, hum, uh
Stay, I will stay here no longer, no longer, no longer
Stay, I will stay here, stay, I will, ah, hum, uh
Stay, I will stay here no longer, no longer, no longer, no longer
Stay, I will stay here, stay, I will, ah, hum, uh
Stay, I will stay here no longer, no longer, no longer, no longer, stay

Sure, they're older, doesn't grant them the whole truth
Of the universe and stuff
They only keep us in a cage from the races
That they all swear are after us
Mmm, I don't think they're honest, bit sus to me
None of the elders wanna say to me
Why those others hate our home, we don't have a lot of stuff
Why would they come?

Mmm, stay, I will stay, stay, I will, ah, hum, uh
Stay, I will stay here no longer, no longer, no longer, no longer
Stay, I will stay, stay, I will, ah, hum, uh
Stay, I will stay
Stay, I will stay here, stay, I will, ah, hum, uh
Stay, I will stay here no longer, no longer, no longer, no longer
Stay, I will stay here, stay, I will, ah, hum, uh
Stay, I will stay here no longer, no longer, no longer, no longer

Oh, though I must be honest for a scene
"What if the elders were right?" does haunt me
But I simply have to know, just their say-so ain't worth much

Whether or not the protagonist lives depends entirely on the message of your book. If he does, we've got your classic rebel-against-authority story. If he bites it, hopefully you'll end up with "this is why explaining shit is important", not "it is always correct to fear what's outside" 'cause that's a recipe for disaster.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 13

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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