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Song Parodies -> "Prose-Covered Boy"

Original Song Title:

"Rose-Colored Boy"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Prose-Covered Boy"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Mysterious tattoos! What do they mean?
You see those letters?
I'm sure they're leadin' to treasure
Those reams of letters
They must be leadin' to treasure

Prose-covered boy
No inch of skin seems to have been left out, there's only words to see
And, ho-oh-oh, I can't avoid
Wantin' to know what's written down on your flesh, can't just be me
And, hoo-ooh-ooh, I just can't take it, want you to take it off
I want you naked, uh, that might sound wrong
But it's so worth it if this turns out just like I hope
Get somethin' of worth, clear that your tattoos know

What will we find? I hope that it's awesome
Could take a while, a lot of words on you
Hey, man, stand still a sec or two
I'm tryna read all the prose on you, my prose-covered boy

A stream of letters
Have to be leadin' to treasure

The trick is: where to start? 'Cause obvious, it's not
Just because you'd expect "from the top"
Don't mean that's right, don't want to get the message wrong
'Cause then the quest is screwed
And that's not takin' other directions on
Left to right? Maybe, uh, that's back to front
And that's a third thing, is the order stomach-first or no?
Gonna make it work, feel like I have to

If I don't try, someone else is gonna
And that ain't right, staked my claim on you
So just stand still a sec or two
I'm tryna read all the prose on you, my prose-covered boy

A-hmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm, oh-hoo-ooh-ooh
Hope the words here aren't out of order 'cause that'd make this whole thing too hard
But there's a secret here, I just gotta find out
It better not be a waste of my time, if they're a crummy-ass commercial, think I'd
Drag your ass to get those tats removed now just so others are spared from your lies

Not told me why the reason you got them
Blank in your mind, so you should want to
Work out what they mean, what's the truth?
I'm tryna read all the prose on you, my prose-covered boy
I'm gonna try (try) a little bit longer
And by that I mean "'til collapse", dude
So many damn words to go through
I'm tryna read all the prose on you, my prose-covered boy

Must read those letters
In case they lead me to treasure
Don't sneeze, still letters
Is what I need for that treasure

And what colour rose are we talking about here? Red? Pink? The ever-mysterious mauve?!

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 14

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   14

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