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Song Parodies -> "Other Crime"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

My Chemical Romance

Parody Song Title:

"Other Crime"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

It's always awkward when you assume the people at the door are after something when they're really after something else. Especially when that person is the fuzz...
Seems you found me out, gotta hand it to you, you put in hard work and it shows
Red-handed now, you found the room where all my victims go
I thought my tracks had been rubbed out, lots of snoopy people drowned
No big knife on hand to carve a smile on you, lucky man

Hang on, wait, I think that I missed your line
'Bout what I'm in trouble for, blanked on your words, see
You say you towed my car? I double-parked?
Well, let's say that's totally the one thing I've done

Yep, there's nothing here to see, we can skip the tour, no need
To check out the basement, what's the fine I need to pay? We'll all feel better
Once I cash that out, you can go and turn around
No point in looking around, ignore that weird noise, man

Didn't say anything suspicious, right?
If I did, it was a joke, that's all, big ol' wheeze
These red stains on my arm? Had chicken parm
This investigation's ceased, how much cash you want?

Well, how much cash you want?
Well, how much cash you want?

Got caught, I'll pay, got caught, I'll pay
Got caught, I'll pay, got caught, I'll pay

A brand new case would be such a pain, that's right
It's easier to let it go because you don't need
So much paperwork 'cause somebody thought
They had heard a muffled scream, trick of the eyes or ears, just stop
Let me pay my car tow fee and recheck my locks

Friggin' titles that don't appear in the song at all, rassa-frassa...wasn't as tricky a title sub as I suspect "Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)" will be, though.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 15

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   15

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