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Song Parodies -> "That's Not Concealing!"

Original Song Title:

"Can't Stop the Feeling!"

Original Performer:

Justin Timberlake

Parody Song Title:

"That's Not Concealing!"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Part of my "Into Pieces" self-challenge. Some people just don't understand the concept of "stealth"...
We've got a mission as you well know
Would mean death or worse if our dumb asses get caught
Got to stay hidden, which means your clo-o-othes
Can't be bright neon like you have right now, you dope
And I get that you need your pockets to hold all your gadgets, nea-eat
But when they drag on the ground, honestly, just stop, ooh-ooh
If you have to bring your wallet, don't have one of those chained ones, plea-ease
The noise that they make ain't modest, plan will flop

Do you know what "hi-ide" means at all? Should kno-o-ow
Job's on the li-ine, you're an ignorant schmoe-oe-oe
Leave your stu-u-upid 3DS at ho-o-ome
Enemy action, it's attractin', dumb assassin

In the stealth bus'ness, but at it, you're crap, crap, crap
Standin' out like a sore thumb with that look, so crap, crap, crap, c'mon
Hard to sneak up on your foes for neck snaps, snaps, snaps
When you've got light-up sneakers on, so outstandin'
Man, that's not conceali-in'
You're so crap, crap, crap, dude, that's not conceali-i-in'
You're so crap, crap, crap, c'mon

Ooh-ooh, it's real illogical
To send a flare up cause it's dark, makes me facepalm (I'll facepalm)
Uh, you've shown our positio-on to the patro-o-ols (the patro-o-ols)
Now we might die because you think with your asshole
Also when I tell you to pickpocket that guard for his set of ke-eys
I didn't mean that you should mug him, you dumb sod, ooh-ooh
I don't care for all your gossip 'bout our boss, so shut your trap, plea-ease
Secret agents should be silent, you great clot (clot, clot, clot)

We can't sneak insi-ide anymore, you kno-o-ow
Cause of the li-ight comin' out of your pho-o-one
Come on, du-u-ude, put down Pokémon Go-o-o
Shouldn't be catchin' any Paras while in action

Meant to be a shadow, but you're just crap, crap, crap
Stickin' out like a sore thumb, good Lord, you're so crap, crap, crap, c'mon
Tell me why the hell you took off your pants, pants, pants (you dope, do-o-ope)
"They're makin' noise" so your solution was flashin'?
Man, that's not conceali-in'
You're so crap, crap, crap, dude, that's not conceali-i-in'
You're so crap, crap, crap, c'mon (bro, that's not conceali-in') woo
You're so crap, crap, crap, man, that's not conceali-i-in', yeah-eah
Killed our plannin', c'mon

Yeah, yeah
We'll get shot up
If you don't stop
Swearin' loud cause the door is locked
Cause that's not conceali-in'

Stealth's your job description, but you're plain crap, crap, crap (man, that's not conceali-i-in')
Standin' out like a sore thumb with your tics, so crap, crap, crap, c'mon (oh) (dude, that's not conceali-in')
Why'd I bother drawin' up a huge plan, plan, plan (damn, damn, da-amn) (bro, that's not conceali-i-in')?
I should know that you're better as a distraction, partial blame for this (man, that's not conceali-in')
All your antics are obnoxious (dude, that's not conceali-i-in')
Pickin' fights with random (oh-oh-oh) boxes (no), c'mon (bro, that's not conceali-in')
Stop complainin' that you're nauseous (no, no, no-o-o) (man, that's not conceali-i-in')
Cause your whingin' is too raucous, c'mon (tone it down)
Your mouth won't stop makin' comments (uh, it's not conceali-in')
Kinda hope a sniper pops it, c'mon (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh)

The ironic thing is is that the moron absolutely kills at Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 4.5
Overall Rating: 4.5

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

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