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Song Parodies -> "Dumbo"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

IV of Spades

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Dumbo! The ninth wonder of the universe! The world's only flying elephant!
Stork brought him in to a really big shock
'Cause this elephant's ears are absurdly large
Sure, that might come off as kind of a "duh"
The size of these ears are a proportional farce

His mum cares not, then ev'rybody 'round calls him "Dumbo"
Circus of dicks, there's very little decency on show
Dumbo's a kid, knock it off

Watch your kids because some might piss a mother off
And when that mum weighs 'bout two tons, don't get mad when she smacks your butt

Poor mum's locked up, the context of defending young Dumbo
Was lost, poor kid, only a mouse cares that he's feeling low
Dumbo's a kid, knock it off

To the clowns, goes poor Dumbo
A laughingstock for their show
Into a big pie, he's dunked
Until one night he gets drunk

Hang on, young Dumbo gets drunk?
A baby elephant drunk
Repeat that: a kid gets drunk
Also his mouse friend got drunk
By accident, but still drunk
I mean off-their-face drunk
Seeing-pink-elephants drunk
How-did-we-end-up-here drunk
Way up a real high tree's trunk

Crows laugh it off, not seen an elephant fly, why Dumbo?
Dumbo believes them, fair 'nough
But Timothy shares how the high-up kid can feel so low
Dumbo's a kid who's life sucks
The crows hand off (a gift for the young Dumbo)
A magic feather to the young Dumbo (it'll let him fly, no joke)
Dumbo believes them, fair 'nough
Mid-act, drops it (who foresaw this? Ev'ryone)
But it was fake, his ears are wings, you know ('twas inside him all along)
Dumbo can fly now, no joke

Happy ending for Dumbo
He's the star of the whole show
Pity that the nickname's stuck
Nasty insult, that it was
Dumbo's the movie's name, sucks

I can stand the sight of worms and look at microscopic germs, but Technicolor pachyderms is really too much for me.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 13

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
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 4   0
 5   13

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