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Song Parodies -> "Minimum"

Original Song Title:

"Kingdom Come"

Original Performer:

Demi Lovato ft. Iggy Azalea

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

A balance must be maintained between over- and underprepared. Can you guess which side we'll be discussing today?
Gonna head out for a little trip, no longer than a month
Let's get sand inside of ev'ry hole and butcher French a bunch
That cool sea breeze, can't wait to find it
Found a deal for ticket prices
Not too high, not too many quick stops
Now the part that I'm not lovin'
It's the part where you keep me freakin'
Stupid part 'cause you always get confused

I told you don't pack the minimum
Don't pack the minimum, you'll need more than that, dope
Ee-yeah, ee-yeah, ee-yeah

Ev'ry single time it hurts my eyes to see that empty space
Doesn't cross your mind to plan for times when things fail to go your way
One shirt per day, half as much trousers
Can't just take home routines out 'cause
There's no wardrobe for when things go wrong
Stains and spots and other problems
And it's hard on a trip to wash 'em
Must share your laundry with the other fools

I told you don't pack the minimum
Don't pack the minimum, must be prepared, you dope
Ee-yeah (yeah), ee-yeah (yeah), ee-yeah (twit)

Never want to be caught on a holiday
With less undies than I need, insane
You claim to me that your whole thing is efficiency
And also my word sucks, I pack "excessively"
Do you see seven suitcases near me?
Does it look like I've moved recently?
The zippers seem like they're not gonna explode on us
Real easy to open, got room there for coconuts
And other things that just might take my fancy
Holiday trips are meant to buy crap madly
Leave space for them, though I once did go crazy
Packin' the whole friggin' house for a weekend, got me
But that was a friggin' while ago, a long time
Think about two months, enough for my ground to be high
You need to pack more than one pair of shoes, twit
Might spill hot sauce on it, it'd suck

I told you don't pack the minimum
Don't pack the minimum, should plan for failure, dope
Ee-yeah, more than minimum is the way you should go
Ee-yeah, more than minimum will be much better, dope

When kingdom come, you ready?
When kingdom come, uh huh
Not only N.Y.C., I'm hip hop's savior
So after this flow you might owe me a favor

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 13

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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