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Song Parodies -> "Revert"

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The Lyrics

Part of my Pop Danthology 2015 self-challenge. 1, 2, 3, 4, I declare an edit war!
I've got informa-ation, won't you please let it sta-ay in?
You won't give me a rea-eason, so I'll presume you're ha-atin'
I know that I ai-ain't wrong, so there's no wa-ay that I'll stop
I'll edit all day lo-o-ong, or at least 'ti-il Flash comes on (hey-yeah)
Need this informa-ation upon your wiki pa-age thing
Was so shocked it was mi-issin', even more it's not sta-ayin'
Keep at this all da-ay long, I'm as stubbo-orn as an ox
I'm quite sure I ain't wro-o-ong, so just let me-e edit
Nothin' wrong, nothin' wrong with it, why revert?

Doo-wop, doo-da-dee-dop, dee-da-dee-dap
Doo-wop, doo-da-dee-dop, doo-da-dee-dap
Doo-wop, doo-da-dee-dop, doo-da-dee-dap
Cut it out, cut it out, asshole, asshole
Cut, cut, cut it, cut, cut, cut, cut it out
Cut, cut, cut it, cut it, cut, cut, cut it out
Cut, cut, cut it, cut it, cut, cut, cut it out
Cut it out, cut it out

Must be crazy, stop revertin' me
Or at least e-explain, please, why you keep page-blockin' me
Leavin' user talk questions, 'bout eighteen
But you don't indent a response, so I'm still guessin', geez
What have I done to wro-ong you (wro-ong you)?
Can't be that bad, cause then I would see you blockin' me
All you are is a grea-eat douche (grea-eat douche)
But don't think for a hot second that it's stoppin' me

Page needs informa-ation, I'm happy to be pla-acin'
If you keep on remo-ovin' it, I'll just keep on ra-agin'
Postin' on my o-own blog, cloggin' up my-y Twitter log
Bitchin' 'bout how you're wro-o-ong, clear to see you-ou should be flogged (hey-yeah)
Basic informa-ation, crucially vital sta-atement
That's what I'm tryna pu-ut in, but you keep on era-asin'
I can't be in the-e wrong, you're the one who-o's such a clod
I need to make you sto-o-op removin' my-y edit
Nothin' wrong, nothin' wrong with it, why revert?

Doo-wop, doo-da-dee-dop, dee-da-dee-dap
Doo-wop, doo-da-dee-dop, doo-da-dee-dap
Doo-wop, doo-da-dee-dop, doo-da-dee-dap
Doo-wop, doo-da-dee, oooooooooooohh
Doo-wop, doo-da-dee-dop, dee-da-dee-dap
Doo-wop, doo-da-dee-dop, doo-da-dee-dap
Doo-wop, doo-da-dee-dop, doo-da-dee-dap
Cut it out, cut it out, asshole, asshole
Cut, cut, cut it, cut, cut, cut, cut it out
Cut, cut, cut it, cut it, cut, cut, cut it out
Cut, cut, cut it, cut it, cut, cut, cut it out
Nothin' wrong, nothin' wrong with it, why revert (whoo)?
Cut, cut, cut it, cut, cut, cut, cut it out
Cut, cut, cut it, cut it, cut, cut, cut it out
Cut, cut, cut it, cut it, cut, cut, cut it out
Cut it out, cut it out

No good reason for revertin' me
Must be that you-ou hate me, no screw-up on my part, see
Since you're the mod on this fan-run wiki
That must mean you have methods that border on Hitler-y, yeah
Afraid that that's the ha-ard truth (ha-ard truth)
Not an exaggeration on my part, nosiree, yeah
You're bein' such a la-arge douche (la-arge douche)
So obvious that I'm the one who's blameless here, see-ee

Source of informa-ation? Afraid that I can't sa-ay it
That may seem kind of i-i-iffy-y-y-y-y-y-y-y (but the truth should be bla-atant)
You're the one here who-o's wrong, you're who-o's wrong, you're who-o's wrong, you're who-o's wrong
So I'm not gonna-a stop, I wo-on't stop
Nothin' wrong, nothin' wrong with it, why revert?

It's kinda weird how generic this song is...right until the drop, which is where it takes a hard swerve into "stupid as all hell" territory. No wonder there was a remix with Silentó (which I would've parodied cause I usually go with the video version, but I actively refuse to deal with more Silentó than I have to).

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
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 5   1

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