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Song Parodies -> "Still Chewy"

Original Song Title:

"Chop Suey"

Original Performer:

System of a Down

Parody Song Title:

"Still Chewy"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Eat up
Grab a bar and eat a little (almonds)
(Grab a bar and eat a little)
Hide the wrapper to disguise the (mess up)
(Hide the wrapper to disguise the)

Why'd you leave the cookies on the table?
Hershey creates another label
They wanted to
Grab a push pop and push a little up
You wanted to
Hide the sugar from those pixie sticks
You wanted to
Why'd you eat the last lemonhead thingy?
You wanted to
I don't think you trust
In, my, self righteous choco-side
I, cry, when I run out of chocolate

Eat up
Grab a bar and eat a little (almonds)
(Grab a bar and eat a little)
Hide the wrapper to disguise the (mess up)
(Hide the wrapper to disguise the)

Why'd you leave the cookies on the table?
Hershey creates another label
They wanted to
Grab a push pop and push a little up
You wanted to
Hide the sugar from those pixie sticks
You wanted to
Why'd you eat the last lemonhead thingy?
You wanted to
I don't think you trust
In, my, self righteous choco-side
I, cry, when I run out of chocolate
In, my, self righteous choco-side
I, cry, when cardiac arrest kicks in

Father, father, father, father
Father into your hands, I entrust my chocolate
Father into your hands
why haven't you bought candy
In your spare time buy candy
In your work time buy candy
In your ride home buy candy
Trust in my self righteous choco-side
I, cry, when chocolate supply runs dry
In my self righteous choco-side
I, cry, when cardiac arrest kicks in
Note: "Chop Suey!" belongs to System of a Down. I make no profit and no ownership of or from the song.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.8
How Funny: 3.5
Overall Rating: 3.1

Total Votes: 12

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   4
 2   0
 3   4
 4   2
 5   2

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