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Song Parodies -> "Buy a Tee"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Spank Rock

Parody Song Title:

"Buy a Tee"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

It is well known that Twitter is home to a large number of bots. Porn bots, crypto bots, bots that climb on rocks, you know the deal. Here's one of the weirder varieties...
These pricks infect the whole net
Programmed by some asshole who's after a check
It's simple as scams go, should still fret
'Cause it's a nightmare festival to get fixed
Log on for the usual shit
Spoilers for things you missed, block a couple bigots
Then you get somethin' worth your int'rest:
A picture of the best Ninja Turtle flexin' his pecs
A like wouldn't hurt, a retweet is the best
Worst thing to type in seems innocuous
"I want this on a t-shirt", bang! Now the bots have got you, mate ("want this on a t-shirt", bang!)
They want a click, just avoid it, just avoid it, just avoid it (now the bots have got you)

They want a click, c-click
They want a click, c-click
They want a click, c-click
They want a click, c-click-click

"Buy a tee!" is what they're wantin' which is theft and that's a problem
Stupid bots, you can report 'em but there's way too many of 'em (Twitter's infested)
So just hold back on your request to (never tweet) have that awesome pic on clothes, instead it's (change up)
Better checkin' if they have a merch store, never give those pricks a click

They want a click
They want a

I know there's a lotta folks who find pleasure in it, though
The bots are awful, can't avoid 'em, but there's ways to then exploit 'em
Copywrite law is a problem, use it for your own advantage
Ask for a t-shirt of somethin' Disney owns, that's far from nothin'
Sic all of their lawyers on 'em, that'll keep 'em busy runnin'
If that style's not one you're lovin', there's another trollin' option
Post a pic of text that's somethin' to the tune of "This shit's stolen"
Have a friend go "T-shirt! Want it!" and they'll look like such a dumbshit

I won't buy, buy a tee, they're not legit, it's only there for profit skimmin'
Makes it look like they're connected to artists but they're just pinchin'
Can't abide by that, but there's little I can do 'bout it, makin' a diff'rence
Is somethin' that's only incremental, done person by person
But I'm gonna let 'em know what'll trip their little nodes
Or however the bastards function, metaphoric'lly press buttons
Once the magic words are spotted, just like Whack-A-Mole, they're poppin'
Up to make a person's problems jump from sev'ral to a hundred
Effort that it takes to shut 'em up takes time away from drawin'
Cuts into an artist's profits if they make a livin' off it
Or not, still a major problem, starve the satisfaction from 'em

These guys are assholes
They want a click, c-click-click
They want a click, c-click
They want a click, c-click-click
They want a click, c-click

It's so weird finally listening to a song after only knowing it because of a mashup. The original song has a very Clipse-like groove to it, grimy yet funky. Put Zora's Domain underneath it? That's a whole different vibe right there.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 14

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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